The EC Sales Lists all invoices and credits that are: - Posted with an EC Sales List tax code, T4 and T22 by default
- Posted to VAT registered customers in other EC member states. They must have a valid VAT number and EC country code in their record
Find out more about completing an EC Sales List by visiting GOV.UK. Create and save your EC Sales List - Go to VAT then select EC sales.
- The VAT Registration No and Branch Identifier boxes contain details as entered in Company Preferences. Go to Settings, then Company Preferences then VAT.
- Select the Period Ref drop-down and choose the required period.
EC Sales List periods are defined as either a month, or fixed calendar quarters.
For example, Quarter 1 = January, February and March. Use the blank option to run a Return that isn't either for a month or a quarter.
- Calculate the EC Sales List in the period From and To boxes enter the start and end dates.
- Click Calculate.
The list shows EC VAT-registered customers who received sales invoices or credits with an EC tax code from you during the reporting period It shows the following details: Country Code | The customer country code as defined in the customer record. | Customer's VAT Registration Number | The customer's VAT Registration Number as defined in the customer record. | Total Value of supplies(£) | Total value of the invoiced goods and services less any credit notes posted with an EC tax code, in pounds. | p | The pence column always shows 00 as the EC Sales List rounds to the nearest pound. | Indicator | The indicator column indicates transactions where triangulation has occurred. - 0=Business to Business Goods
- 2=Triangulation
- 3=Business to Business Services
The tax code defines the indicator. | Submitted | This column indicates the status of the EC Sales List item in terms of online submission to HMRC. - Blank = not submitted
- Successful = submitted and accepted
- Rejected = submitted and rejected
| Check your EC Sales List and flag transactions for triangulation - To see a breakdown of the individual transactions for one customer, in the Total value of Supplies (£) column, click the drill-down button
The EC Sales List Transactions window appears showing the following information for each transaction: A\C | The customer's account reference. | Type | The type of transaction, either Sales Invoice, SI, or Sales Credit, SC. | No. | Transaction number taken from the audit trail. | N/C | Nominal code. | Date | Transaction date. | Ref | Transaction reference. | Details | Transaction details. | Amount | Transaction amount. | Triangulated? | Select this check box if the transaction was triangulated. HMRC's definition of triangulation is "the term used to describe the chain of intra-EC supplies of goods involving three parties. But instead of the goods physically passing from one to the other, they are delivered directly from the first to the last party in the chain." For example, a UK company buys goods from a VAT-registered trader in France and sells the goods on to a VAT-registered third-party in Italy. The goods ship directly from France to Italy without entering the UK. | - Click Save to save any changes to the EC Sales List Transactions window.
- Click Yes to submit the EC Sales List to HMRC.
Issues submitting? See a list of EC Sales List and CIS submission errors. Print your EC Sales List - Go to Click VAT and select the EC Sales List you want to print.
- Select EC sales then click Print.
To print a full breakdown of the EC Sales list individual transactions, select the EC Sales Details check box.
- Select the required output type then click Run.
CAUTION: The printed EC Sales list isn't suitable for postal submission to HMRC. If you aren't submitting EC Sales List data electronically, copy your figures from the printed report to the EC Sales List provided by HMRC. Reasons why transactions don't appear on your EC Sales List A transaction appears on the EC Sales List if it meets certain criteria. Visit our Reasons why transactions don't appear on your EC Sales List article for more information. Next steps Submit your EC Sales List Online. [BCB:43:CSAT - Move feedback:ECB] |