Austria | AT | U12345678 | 9 | First character will always be a U. |
Belgium | BE | 0123456789 | 10 | Prefix any 9-digit number with a 0. |
Bulgaria | BG | 1234567890 | 9 or 10 | |
Croatia | HR | 12345678901 | 11 | |
Cyprus | CY | 12345678X | 9 | The last character must be a letter. |
Czech Rep | CZ | 12345678 or 123456789 or 1234567890 | 8, 9 or 10 | Delete the first three numbers if it's 11, 12 or 13 numbers long. |
Denmark | DK | 12345678 | 8 | |
Estonia | EE | 123456789 | 9 | |
Finland | FI | 12345678 | 8 | |
France | FR | 12345678901, X1234567890, 1X123456789 or XX123456789 | 11 | Alpha characters can be n first or second position, or both. All alpha characters are valid except I and O. |
Germany | DE | 123456789 | 9 | Must be the 9 digit. |
Great Britain | XU | 123456789 | 9 | For more information, see our Northern Ireland and Great Britain new country codes article. |
Greece | GR | 012345678 | 9 | For further information, see our Country code for Greece - EL or GR article. |
Hungary | HU | 12345678 | 8 | |
Ireland | IE | 1234567X, 1X23456X or 1234567XX | 8 or 9 | The number includes one or two alpha characters in either the last or second and last position. The last character is normally A or H.
Issue with 9-digit Irish VAT numbers? |
Italy | IT | 12345678901 | 11 | |
Latvia | LV | 12345678901 | 11 | |
Lithuania | LT | 123456789 or 123456789012 | 9 or 12 | |
Luxembourg | LU | 12345678 | 8 | |
Malta | MT | 12345678 | 8 | |
Netherlands | NL | 123456789B01 | 12 | The 10th digit is always B. The 3-digit suffix will always be in the range B01 - B99. |
Northern Ireland | XI | 123456789 | 9 | For more information, see our Northern Ireland and Great Britain new country codes article. |
Poland | PL | 1234567890 | 10 | |
Portugal | PT | 123456789 | 9 | |
Romania | RO | 1234567890 | 2 to 10 | A minimum of 2 digits and a maximum of 10 digits. |
Slovak Rep | SK | 1234567890 | 10 | |
Slovenia | SI | 12345678 | 8 | |
Spain | ES | X12345678, 12345678X or X1234567X | 9 | Includes 1 or 2 alpha characters, either first or last, or first and last. |
Sweden | SE | 123456789001 | 12 | |
UK | GB | 123456789 | 9 | |