The Customer and Supplier record Communications tab

It's important to keep track of communications between you and your customers and suppliers, especially when discussing payments due and disputes. You can do this in the Communications area of the customer and supplier records. Let's take a look.

You can keep a record of the type of contact made, for example, letter or telephone call. You can enter details about the contact, and if a payment was promised you can set a reminder to make sure that the payment actually arrives. On customer records you can also charge time for telephone calls made and generate service invoices to bill for your time.

These files can't be recreated. If you've a problem with the communication information when upgrading, please restore to a backup prior to upgrade, and convert again.

The following steps contain everything you need to help you record contact information on your customer and supplier records.

 NOTE: The steps refer to customers, but the options are also available for suppliers.

Record a contact on a customer record

  1. Click Customers then double-click the required customer and click Communications then click Add entry. For telephone calls, when the call is answered > click Start > at the end of the call > click Stop. Sage Accounts automatically times the duration of your telephone call.
  2. Complete the communication information as required.
  3. Click Save
Communication Details
Telephone / Letter/Fax/Email / MeetingSelect the type of communication.
SubjectEnter a subject or topic.
BalanceA read only field showing the customer or supplier balance.
DateEnter the date of the communication.
Our contactChoose the name of the communicator.
Contact TypeChoose the communication type.
StyleFor letters or emails, choose the appropriate letter style.
LocationFor meetings, choose the relevant location.

Contact details
Spoke to / To from / MetEnter details of who was contacted. This option name changes based on the communication type.
TelephoneShows the telephone number from the customer or supplier record.
Street1 / Street2 etcShows the address from the customer or supplier record.

Communication Result
OutcomeChoose the appropriate outcome for the communication. If you choose Payment Promised, the Promised Amount becomes available to enter.
Promised amountIf you choose Payment Promised from the Outcome menu, you should enter the promised amount here.
Follow up / DueEnter the agreed follow up date. If Promised Payment is the chosen outcome then choose the due date.
New Account StatusIf required, you can amend the account status on the basis of the communication.
Credit positionIf required, you can update the credit position here.

Record a contact when sending a statement or letter

When emailing, printing or exporting certain statements and letters, for example, chase letters, you see the following prompt:

'Do you want to update the communications history?'

If you want to update the communication history, click Yes. If not, click No.

Further options available in the Communications window

  • Edit any saved communication - in the communications window select the required entry then click Edit entry
  • Amend the columns displayed - right-click a column heading then select or clear the options as required
  • Sort the list - click the appropriate column heading
  • Filter the list by date - choose the required From and To dates
  • Print a list of communication summary information - click Print List
  • Export the communication information to Excel - click Send to Excel
  • Depending on your software version, from this window you can create a new invoice or order
  • Sage 50 Accounts only - If you saved a copy of your communication to Microsoft OneDrive, to view the document click View on OneDrive. 

[BCB:119:Limitless - 50 Accounts - Customers:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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