When working with your VAT Return there are some great reports you can run to view your figures in different levels of detail.
The reports
Now that we know how to run the reports, let's take a look at what each one does.
VAT Return
This report prints a copy of your VAT Return. It shows each box and what the total values are. This is ideal if you'd like to keep a paper or digital version of the VAT return outside your software.
This report shows a breakdown of each box on the VAT Return, separated by tax code and transaction type.
It is easy to see, at a glance, what transaction types and tax codes are making up the figure in each box of the VAT Return.
For example, you might want to check how much of box 1 is made up of T1 sales invoices.
This report goes one step further and shows you all of the individual transactions that make up each box and tax code.
For example you might want to check if a particular transaction has been included in the VAT return or not.
This report shows the manual adjustments that you've entered onto this VAT return
If you're not sure what manual adjustments are, or you'd like to find out how to post them, you can check our our help guide. Find out more >
Earlier unreconciled transactions
This report will list the transactions that have been included in your VAT return, but are outside the date range you entered.
This report is great for identifying those transactions that might need a bit of extra attention.
This report works the same as the detailed report we looked at earlier, but also groups by the transaction's department.