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Using Sage 200 document management solutions with Sage Network

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If you use third-party document management solutions with Sage 200, you'll need to follow some additional steps to sync invoice and credit note PDF documents to Sage Network.


To sync invoice and credit note PDF documents to Sage Network, you must set up your document management solution to copy documents to the addon folder on the Sage 200 server. The PDF documents must be stored in the folder \\<Your Server>\Sage\NetworkSync\addon\<Company ID>\, and organised into the separate subfolders invoices and creditnotes.

For example, if you print an invoice for the company with the Company ID of 2, the PDF file would be stored on the Sage 200 server in \\ServerA\Sage\NetworkSync\addon\2\invoices\.

When you post the invoice or credit note, the sync will move the PDF file from the addon folder to the appropriate folder in \\<Your Server>\Sage\NetworkSync\<Company ID>\, such as invoice or pending.

We've provided instructions on how to set up Draycir Spindle.

Draycir Spindle

To sync invoices and credit notes with Sage Network, set up Spindle to archive documents to the addon folder.

When you print invoices and credit notes designed for Spindle and using a Spindle printer driver (such as Spindle Pro Auto), Spindle will create a PDF for the invoice or credit note in the appropriate archive folder.

First, set up archives for invoices and credit notes:

  1. Open Spindle Document Distribution Tools.
  2. Select Archive Manager.
  3. Add a new archive to be used for invoices.
    1. Add a New Archive in the archive list.
    2. Select the PDF File Archive type.
    3. Go to the Settings tab.
    4. Enter a name such as Sage Network invoices.
    5. Set the Path where the files are stored to C:\Sage\NetworkSync\addon\##DATASETID##\invoices.
       NOTE:  The ##DATASETID## variable will insert the company ID number.
    6. Set the Archive filename to ##VAR2##.
       NOTE:  The ##VAR2## variable will insert the invoice number.
    7. Go to the Advanced tab, then deselect Overwrite existing file
       CAUTION:  Do not select Overwrite existing file, otherwise the original document will be overwritten if you reprint it.
  4. Add a new archive to be used for credit notes.
    1. Add a New Archive in the archive list.
    2. Select the PDF File Archive type.
    3. Go to the Settings tab.
    4. Enter a name such as Sage Network credit notes.
    5. Set the Path where the files are stored to C:\Sage\NetworkSync\addon\##DATASETID##\creditnotes.
    6. Set the Archive filename to ##VAR2##.
    7. Go to the Advanced tab, then deselect Overwrite existing file.
       CAUTION:  Do not select Overwrite existing file, otherwise the original document will be overwritten if you reprint it.

Next, set up document automation:

  1. Select Document Automation.
  2. Add a new operation to the document automation list, to be used for sales invoices.
    1. Right-click SalesInvoices and select New Operation.
    2. Enter a name such as Sage Network sync.
    3. Make sure Allow this document operation to be processed is selected.
    4. Go to the Settings tab.
    5. Set the Subject title to Invoice##VAR2##
       NOTE:  The ##VAR2## variable will insert the invoice number.
    6. Select Split up document, and select to split the document using VAR2.
    7. Go to the Default Forms tab.
    8. Select Add and choose the form to use for invoices.
    9. Go to the Distribution tab.
    10. Select Enable archiving module.
    11. Select Archive Settings for this operation.
    12. Select the destination archive for invoices, such as Sage Network invoices.
  3. Add a new operation to the document automation list, to be used for credit notes.
    1. Right-click SalesCreditNotes and select New Operation.
    2. Enter a name such as Sage Network sync.
    3. Make sure Allow this document operation to be processed is selected.
    4. Go to the Settings tab.
    5. Set the Subject title to CreditNote##VAR2##.
    6. Select Split up document, and select to split the document using VAR2.
    7. Go to the Default Forms tab.
    8. Select Add and choose the form to use for credit notes.
    9. Go to the Distribution tab.
    10. Select Enable archiving module.
    11. Select Archive Settings for this operation.
    12. Select the destination archive for credit notes, such as Sage Network credit notes.
  4. If you use Project Accounting, add a new operation to the document automation list for billing invoices. Otherwise, skip this step.
    1. Right-click BillingInvoices and select New Operation.
    2. Enter a name such as Sage Network sync.
    3. Make sure Allow this document operation to be processed is selected.
    4. Go to the Settings tab.
    5. Set the Subject title to Invoice##VAR2##.
       NOTE:  The ##VAR2## variable will insert the invoice number.
    6. Select Split up document, and select to split the document using VAR2.
    7. Go to the Default Forms tab.
    8. Select Add and choose the form to use for invoices.
    9. Go to the Distribution tab.
    10. Select Enable archiving module.
    11. Select Archive Settings for this operation.
    12. Select the destination archive for invoices, such as Sage Network invoices.
  5. If you use Project Accounting, add a new operation to the document automation list for billing credit notes. Otherwise, skip this step.
    1. Right-click BillingCreditNotes and select New Operation.
    2. Enter a name such as Sage Network sync.
    3. Make sure Allow this document operation to be processed is selected.
    4. Go to the Settings tab.
    5. Set the Subject title to CreditNote##VAR2##.
    6. Select Split up document, and select to split the document using VAR2.
    7. Go to the Default Forms tab.
    8. Select Add and choose the form to use for credit notes.
    9. Go to the Distribution tab.
    10. Select Enable archiving module.
    11. Select Archive Settings for this operation.
    12. Select the destination archive for credit notes, such as Sage Network credit notes.

Useful information

Restoring company data from a backup

When you restore your company database from a backup, Sage 200 will delete all PDFs from the addon folder for invoices and credit notes that have been printed and not posted.

This means that after a restore, any current unposted invoices or credit notes will not have a PDF produced by your third-party document management solution. When you post these invoices or credit notes, they will be synchronised to Sage Network with a PDF document that uses the default Sage 200 layout.