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Control who can approve employee bank account changes in Sage HR Online Services

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How to give access to other admins to approve changes made to an employee's bank account details in Sage HR Online Services.


By default, your main admin has access to approve or decline bank account changes in an employee's profile. If you want another admin to receive a notification of changes and be able to approve them, you can control this within the Admin settings.


  1. Click on your name or email address in the top-right hand corner, then click Settings.
  2. On the settings menu, click Permissions, then click Admin.
  3. On this page is listed all the current employees with admin rights.
  4. Next to the relevant user, under Review bank account changes, select the check box.
  5. Click Save.

This admin will now receive an email notiication when changes are made to an employee's bank account details, as well as see an approval task on their dashboard. For more information, read our guide, Approve employee bank account changes in Sage HR Online Services.


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