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Adding a second 365 tenant for testing in-house copies of Sage 200 Professional API for Partners and Developers

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As a partner or developer, a second 365 tenant may be required for testing purposes.


This process is designed to allow partners and developers to test the Sage 200 API in-house using multiple 365 tenants.

 NOTE: If you are testing an upgrade for a customer, please follow the advice in this article. 

Frequently Asked Questions around this process can be accessed here.

Overview of process

 CAUTION: It is imperative that the test 365 tenant being used is a unique serial number, completely separate from any other tenant being used to connect with the API.

  1. Separate Microsoft 365 tenant registered with Sage to onboard.
  2. Server setup with a version of Sage 200 Professional installed, licenced with the partner or developers Sage 200 Professional serial number.
  3. API installed and configured using the Microsoft 365 tenant.
  4. Sage API Test Tool ran to confirm API working correctly.

The sections below expand on the steps above.

1. Separate Microsoft 365 tenant registered with Sage to onboard

 NOTE: The Microsoft 365 tenant must be unique and not associated with a licence already used to connect with the API.

  • Ensure that the Microsoft 365 subscription being used is compatible for use with Sage 200 API following this guide.
  • Follow the onboarding steps detailed here.

2. Server setup with a version of Sage 200 Professional installed, licenced with the partner or developers Sage 200 Professional serial number.

  • The Sage 200 Professional serial number can be used across multiple servers when used in-house for testing.

3. API installed and configured using a separate test Microsoft 365 tenant.

  • Follow the normal Native API Install instructions found in this article, using the Microsoft 365 tenant details when required.

4. Sage API Test Tool ran to confirm API working correctly.

  • Run and test the Sage API Test Tool to confirm the API is working correctly.
  • Ensure that the Site ID and Site Name given in the tool match to the API tab of System Administration on the new server.
  • If using the same Sage ID in System Administration you should see the companies for both the live and test site.

If the Configuration database is being moved and used on a new server, the script below will need to be run to break the link to the old API.
 CAUTION: This is to only be run on a copy of the configuration database on the new server, running this on the live server will break the API connection. 

--delete the entry to the API
DELETE FROM tblParameters where ParameterName = 'APISiteID'

--delete API user entries
DELETE FROM tblExtIdentity where ExtIdentityTypeID IN (1,2)

--remove any API references to existing users
UPDATE tblUser
SET isAPIUser = 0
WHERE isAPIUser = 1

 NOTE: Once the API is no longer required on the system it is important it is removed correctly following the instructions here.