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Sage Provisioning Portal - User Audit for Business Partners

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Information on how to carry out an audit of your users in the Sage Provisioning Portal


It is important to carry out audits on your user lists from time to time to ensure users who have access, have the correct level of access and users who shouldn't, don't.

  • Users in the portal should also follow our guidance around using named users and named email addresses meaning there shouldn't be any generic accounts such as finance@ or an account which is used by more than one person, please read the help file around the requirements for this.
  • Roles should be checked and amended where required to ensure the right people can add and remove user access.
  • People who have since left the company should be removed from the portal.
  • Partners should only be added to customers sites with a partner role, any added with a customer role should be removed.
     NOTE: This excludes customer roles on a partners own demo site. 
  • Access to customer sites via a partner role is automatically removed within 7 days of assigning, however you may want to remove before this. 
     TIP: You can view the list of sites your user is attached to via the Organisations > Users list and clicking the info icon. 

The first thing to check is which users you currently have against your site and customer account.

Starting with the site level.