How to set up and post the nominal link from Sage 50 Payroll into a CSV file, ready to import into Sage Business Cloud Accounting (SBCA).
From v29 of Sage 50 Payroll, you can easily post the nominal link into a file that's ready for you to import straight into SBCA.
This saves you time by ensuring a quick and accurate transfer of payroll values into SBCA.
Set up the nominal link to post to SBCA
First, you need to enter your nominal link settings.
- Click Company, then click Nominal Settings.
- Under the destination heading, click the Accounts Software or File drop-down and click Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
- From the Override by drop-down list, select Department or Cost Centre, as required.
- If required, select the Overrides may replace Department information with blanks check box.
- Click the P&L Analysis tab and enter the required nominal code in the Acc N/C column for each category.
- Click the BS Analysis tab and enter the required nominal code in the Acc N/C column for each category.
- Click OK.
Post the nominal link to a file for SBCA
- Click Payroll, then select the required employees.
- Click Nominal Link, then click Next.
- Click Next, then click Next again.
- If required enter a transaction reference, then click Next.
- If required, click Print, or click Send To Excel.
- Click Finish.
- Browse to the location to save the file,
- Enter a filename, then click the Save as type dropdown and select CSV files (*.csv) and click Save.
NOTE: SBCA can only import your nominal file if it's saved as a CSV file.
- Click OK.
You've now exported your file, and you can import it into SBCA using the import journals function.