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Add attachments

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How to add attachments to your invoices, quotes and estimates in Sage Accounting.


About Attachments

Attachments are a great way to keep track of any documents you have for a sale, purchase, or journal. For example, add sales literature such as a PDF brochure, or product images to sales documents or supplier invoices, or add other supporting documents such as pictures of receipts to expenses.

  • Use the following types of file: PDFGIFJPGJPEGPNG
  • The maximum file size is 2.5MB. You can add more than one file to each document


What transactions can I add attachments to?

  • Sales invoices
  • Purchase invoices
  • Recurring invoices (internal purposes only)
  • Quotes and estimate
  • Sales and Purchase credit notes

Add an attachment whilst creating a transaction

  1. Locate and go into the transaction.
  2. Select the Attachment icon.Attachments logo, click to attach a document or copy of invoice, quotes and estimets
  3. Select Upload files, 

    browse to where you saved your file, and click Open

    You can also drag and drop attachments into the transaction.

Add an attachment to an existing transaction

  1. Locate and go into the transaction.
  2. Select the Attachment icon.Attachments logo, click to attach a document or copy of invoice, quotes and estimets
  3. Select Upload files, 

    browse to where you saved your file, and click Open

    You can also drag and drop attachments into the transaction.

Remove an attachment

  1. Locate and go into the transaction.
  2. Select the Attachment icon.Attachments logo, click to attach a document or copy of invoice, quotes and estimets
  3. Select the Trash can icon. Trash can or delete icon
  4. Select Delete.

Email attachments to customers from sales documents

With the attachments already associated with the transaction, we have to make them visible when emailed to the customer, to do this follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the invoice, quote, estimate or credit note.

  2. Select the Attachment icon, then use the slider to choose which attachments the customer can see. A green tick means the attachment is visible:
    Making attachments visible to customer, checkbox

  3. Select Email. This opens an email window and allows you to change or add people to send to.

  4. The customer must select View Invoice on the email they receive from you and from here they can view the attached documents.Display of how attachments are seen on a customer invoice received via email


If you would like to add or remove items the customer can see attached their invoice and repeat the steps above.

 NOTE: Recurring invoices can only have attachments for internal use and cannot have attachments sent out to customers via email.