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Import customer or supplier opening balances

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How to import customer or supplier opening balances in Sage Accounting.


Opening balances are totals of the outstanding invoices and credit notes you have before you start using Accounting. You can import an opening balance file to save time.


To import an opening balance file, you must have:

  • Existing customer and supplier records in Accounting. Find out more about how to Create a new customer or supplier contact
  • An Accounts Start Date set and a VAT scheme. Find out more about how to Set up financial year, accounting dates and VAT
  • A separate file for each contact; don't include both customer and supplier opening balances in one file. To import both, use two separate files
  • The same column headings and formatting as in the CSV template file

Step 1: Download the CSV template file

Step 2: Prepare the opening balance file

Step 3: Import the customer or supplier opening balances file