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Payroll audit trail

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Use the Sage 50 Payroll audit trail feature to record user activity within your software.


You can use the audit trail option to record

Let's take a look at how to use it.


Check your access to the audit trail

If you don't log in to Sage 50 Payroll as the Manager username, you might not have the required access rights to view the audit trail.

View the audit trail log

  1. Click File then click View Audit Trail Log.

    The audit log shows the following information:

    Id The unique reference number of the activity, in chronological order.
    Event The activity, for example, logging in to Sage 50 Payroll or changing information in the software.
    Area The area of the software affected by the event.
    Field The particular field amended, for example, Address Line 1.
    From The contents of the field before the user made the change.
    To The contents of the field after the change was made.
    Process Date The process date when the change was made.
    Date/Time The computer date and time when the change was made.
    User The login name of the user who made the changes.
    Machine Name The name of the computer used to make the changes.
  2. To print the details, click Print List.
  3. Ensure the printer details are correct then click OK.
  4. To filter the details, click Filter.
  5. In the Column drop-down list, select the column name by which you want to filter the information.
  6. In Value, enter the details to filter the information. For example, a user's name.
  7. Click Apply Filter then click Close.

Amend the audit trail settings

If necessary, you can can amend recording user activity in a specific area.

Before you amend the audit trail settings, ensure that you're the only user logged in to Sage 50 Payroll.

Clear the audit trail log

From time to time, you may want to clear the audit trail log.

  1. Backup your data.
  2. Click Company then click Audit Trail Settings.
  3. In Clear Audit Trail up to and including, enter the date of the last entries you want to remove.
  4. Click Clear Audit Trail then click Yes.
  5. Click Save.

Upgrading your licence

Need a little more room? To add extra companies, users, employees or more to your software licence, leave your details and we'll be in touch.

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