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Recording underpayments or overpayments

Created on  | Last modified on 


There may be times when you need to allocate a customer receipt to an invoice and the two amounts are not the same, for example an under or overpayment or if a customer received settlement discount.


  1. Click Sales, then click Receipts, then click Enter / Allocate Sales Receipts.
  2. Enter the following information:
    Bank Enter the bank account the money is being paid into.
    Date Enter the date of the receipt.
    Code Enter the customer's code. Alternatively, press F2 and select the relevant customer.
    Card Payment If you use TAS Payment Services, you can process this here.
  3. Complete the following receipt details:
    Slip Ref Enter a slip reference.
    Cheque No Enter the cheque number.
    Cheque No Enter the cheque date.
    Amount Enter the amount of the receipt.
  4. Press the Tab button and then click Yes.
  5. Select manually allocate to Invoices, then click OK.
  6. Select the invoice you want to pay, then press the Tab button on your keyboard.
  7. To enter a discount, overpayment or underpayment, press the finder button  to the right of the Allocated Disc Amount line.
  8. Within the Split Allocation window, enter the amount of the discount, overpayment or underpayment in the relevant box.
  9. Click OK, then click Save, then click Yes

    The discount, overpayment or underpayment automatically posts to the relevant nominal code that you specified in the Default NL Accounts section of the TASBooks Configuration window (option 012).

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