This communication was sent 04th December 2019.
Reminder: Sage 200 registrations and move to subscriptions: action required
Notice 19-BD | 04 December 2019
We recently contacted our partners about the importance of ensuring customer records are accurate, to ensure that correct service delivery information is provided to our partners and customers. Thank you to all partners who've responded so far.
IMPORTANT: It's essential to understand that once a customer registration has moved to subscription, registration changes cannot be made. We will no longer be able to issue older version Sage 200 keys, MMS or Line 100 strings.
Please ensure that you review your entire customer base as part of this renewal process change, to ensure that records are correct moving forwards.
It's essential registrations are reviewed quickly, and we appreciate your support in doing so.
What do you need to do?
- Cascade this message across the relevant parts of your business
- Review the previous communication
- Review the FAQs
- Engage with your Account Manager to obtain a customer list and get back to us with any changes
- Ensure you supply entire version numbers e.g. 2018.02 to prevent delay, details are available here
- Provide a signed End user licence agreement for any upgrades
- Ensure you supply Purchase Orders for any T&R licences required to support upgraded version
- Questions? Please speak to your Account Manager in the first instance
Please prioritise customers based on their renewal date, the deadline for any December renewals has now passed and any changes should have been notified to us already.
Deadline dates for renewals to end of this financial year are as follows:
- January & February 2020 renewals - please let us know by 09 December 2019
- 01 March 2020 to 30 April 2020 renewals - 06 January 2020 or earlier
- For 01 May 2020 to 30 September 2020 renewals - 06 April 2020 or earlier