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Sage 200 Professional - 'failed to read licence file' error

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This communication was sent on 23rd August 2017.


Microsoft Security Updates  

As you are aware Microsoft publish monthly security rollups on the second Tuesday of every month, which, if not optionally deployed within a 14 day period, they are automatically updated onto the machine.   

We've been receiving a large volume of calls with regards to the error 'failed to read licence details’ from customers running Server 2008R2 or using Windows 7 as a server. This is due to a security rollup in August which includes a .net update. We have an article which includes a hotfix to resolve this issue.

If your client is running Sage 200 Professional 2015 or 2016, there is also an additional hotfix for workspaces which can be found here for Professional 2015 or here for Professional 2016, which will need to be downloaded and deployed.

In some instances (e.g. Uninstalling the .net 4.7 update manually), this can also put the Sage specific applications pools into V2 mode, so please ensure they are set up as v4.0 for .NET Framework Version.