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FRS102 Directors Report showing Director appointment / resignation date

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FRS102: Showing Director appointment / resignation date on the Directors Report


I would like the Director resignation or appointment date to show on the FRS102 Directors Report.


Enter appointed/resigned/retired dates

  1. Open Directors.
  2. Select or create the Director and enter the resigned or appointment date.
    NOTE:  It isn't possible to output an appointed AND resigned date in the list of directors (where they were appointed and retired during the year).
    If the directors was appointed or resigned AFTER the year end - please see below.
  3. Click ROPs and click  Accounts tab. Select the Directors Report.
  4. Locate the ROP with reference dat and set this to yes.
    Please note that the date entered will only appear if its within the year start and year end date that you are running

Appointed/Resigned after year end

If the date is outside the range (i.e. they resigned/retired after the year end) you can use a ReportPad to add text after the list of directors.

  1. Go to Reportpads.
  2. Choose Directors Report.
  3. Locate the reportpad DirsChanges and enter in text to explain the changes.
    Mr Smith retired as a director on dd/mm/yy and Mrs Jones was appointed on dd/mm/yy.

If a director 'served' during the year they will be output in the list of directors whether they have resigned/retired during the year or after the year end. This is because the list is showing those who served during the year.

Change the description from 'Retired' to 'Resigned'

  1. Open ROPs
  2. Select Directors Report
  3. Locate the ROP with reference ret and set it as required.

It is not possible to describe one director as 'retired' and another as 'resigned'.
Instead you can use the DirsChanges reportpad to add a more detailed description.