NOTE: The information on this article relates to users of Sage 200 only. For details of Report Designer support boundaries for Business Partners, please click here.
Receive up to 3 FOC bespoke reports per year (based on the product registration date), specific to your business requirements.
Access the Report Library below to a bank of ready-made reports, giving you insight and information to help you make more informed decisions.
NOTE: Not all reports requested can be created so take time to read each section below by clicking on numbers 1 to 5 to expand them before booking an appointment.
Report Design Service
Products included in this service and what it can offer.As a member of the Sage 200 Services community, you are able to request up to 3 reports to be designed to your specification. Further details on your entitlement can be found below.
If you wish to take advantage of this service, please take a moment to review the process via the links below in order to gain access to our Report Design Specialists.
Sage 200 Standard
Sage 200 Standard is our new flexible online accounting solution supported directly by Sage. Sage 200 Services Report Design includes 3 reports designed per contract year and, great news if you've used up your entitlement, you can buy more with our reporting bundles. Find out more by accessing the Additional Reports link below.
NOTE: Reports / Layouts / Letters used within Sage 50 Accounts cannot be converted for use in Sage 200 Standard Online. Use the Sage 200 Services Report Design offering outlined above to create your reports. A selection of reports similar to Sage 50 Accounts standard reports are available to download free of charge, press F1 within your program and search for 'Install additional reports'.
Sage 200 Professional
Sage 200 Professional is an on premise solution and builds upon the functionality of our other Sage 200 variants. It includes features such as Bill of Materials, Project Accounting & Fixed Assets. Sage 200 Services - Report Design includes 3 reports designed per contract year and, great news if you've used up your entitlement, you can buy more with our reporting bundles. Find out more by accessing the Additional Reports link below.
Watch our video tour of the benefits available to you via Sage 200 Services. Full details of our terms and conditions can be found here.
Report Design Scope
List of report types currently not supported either as a FOC or chargeable.
There are a number of scenarios that cannot be dealt with via this service as they fall outside of our current support boundaries.
This could be down to government legislation requirements, different data tables hold the information of which there is no unique data field available to link them together or the functionality is not present with the program.
These are outlined below:
This list is subject to change so please ensure that you check this page regular.
NOTE: If your customisation relates to Commercial Invoicing please look at this article before booking an appointment.
Outside support boundaries |
Any type of Management report (using Financial Statement Layouts) or legislatively compliant reports, including (Profit & Loss, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure, Statement of Financial Activities and most Budget reports)
Monthly/quarterly column based reports for Profit and Loss/Balance Sheet/Trial Balance |
Financial Statement Layouts (instructions around this feature can be found here) |
Any cash flow/forecast report |
Invoice profitability that include credits (this is due to the program not knowing what invoice the item originated from to get the correct cost price) |
Reports showing VAT codes or values attached to each nominal code or cash book account (these values are posted into separate data tables by the program with no unique link between them) |
Aged Debtors or Creditors reports which balance against the Trial Balance based on the accounting period (how to investigate differences can be found here) |
Aged Debtors or Creditors reports by nominal transaction account number, cost centre or department |
Aged Debtors or Creditors reports with VAT / Net breakdown amounts |
Any type of stock valuation report (this includes adding anything relating to warehouse or bin locations) |
Aged Stock Reports are only available for Sage 200 Professional 2015 and above. They cannot be created for retrospective purposes. |
Nominal transaction reports with brought forward values based on periods (there is no functionality within report design to produce the brought forward value) |
Reports linking to custom tables designed by a 3rd party i.e. Business Partners/Developers/Sicon Manufacturing |
Modifications to reports not designed or deployed by Sage |
Reports for export to file types such as, but not exclusive to, csv/Excel/txt/XML for uploading into 3rd party software (this includes government sites) |
Project Accounting - Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet reports |
Excel Reporting |
Excel reports utilising any linking tool such as ODBC/Excel Integrated Reporting or Excel Reporting for any Sage program |
BOM Implosion reports |
Price Book/Lists/Discount Groups |
User access rights to program areas (this information is not held within the Report Designer tables) |
Plastic Packaging Tax (more information on our approach can be found here) |
Any type of VAT Return/MTD Submission |
Any type of Intrastat report |
Any type of drill down report |
Any report with transient data tables applied to it |
Any report not related to Sage 200 or is linked to an area currently outside of the scope of this service, e.g. Sage Payroll report or Sage 200 CRM |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)/Late Payment legislation reports |
We currently do not design reports for WTE (Web Time and Expenses) part of Project Accounting, BI (Business Intelligence) and CRM |
Reports with sub-reports, unless the sub report populates a single field on a main report |
Troubleshooting errors with reports or layouts |
Reconciliation of data, all reports will be designed utilising demo data, where necessary links to variables within customer data will be made |
Legacy Report Designer (applicable to 2010 & 2011) |
Reports and layouts won't be designed for product versions earlier than Sage 200 Extra 2010 Service Pack 3 |
Any kind of graphic design including construction of company logos, if a logo is needed to be added to a report/layout we will require a compatible image file |
Report reconciliation i.e. comparing figures on reports |
Business Intelligence reports |
To ensure data collated on column based reports is correct when exported to Excel, only 30 columns are possible at any one time |
Workspaces |
Report automation |
SQL views and scripts when packaging using SDBX |
Sage 50 Manufacturing (this product became end of support from 30/09/2021) |
Basic & Advanced Changes
Items that may be changed at the time of appointment.
This page outlines the basic and advanced changes referred to within the Report Design Process section below.
This list is subject to change so please ensure that you check this page regularly.
Basic changes | Advanced changes |
Change of embedded images | Addition of additional groups or sorts |
Text style and formatting including adding lines, boxes, images, barcodes, etc | Addition of filters, IF statements or conditional formatting |
Movement of fields | Addition of sums or expressions |
Addition of text boxes | Addition of new criteria |
Renaming of report | Addition of new data join |
Enabling existing criteria | Complex calculations |
Configuration of email settings | |
Addition of existing variables to a report/layout | |
Saving and adding the report to the Sage 200 menu |
Report Design Process
To offer you the best experience follow this process.
Booking a Report Design appointment |
To have a report or layout designed, follow the process below. You must be a member of Sage 200 Services to gain access to the three report designs as part of your Sage 200 Services contract. If you are a Sage Business Partner wanting to request a report on behalf of your customer, you must get written authorisation via email from them as this will be taken from their entitlement. We will request this information at the time of the appointment. You agree that you are authorised on behalf of your company to have reports and layouts created on your company's behalf. You need to fill the in the form completely, to ensure enough information is given to the design team. Please click here >> to fill in the form and book your appointment. Please ensure you have read the Report Design Scope before booking the appointment to avoid disappointment. Should you need to cancel or reschedule a Report Design appointment you can do this through your confirmation email or email the team at [email protected] with a minimum of 24 hours notice. |
Prior to the Report Design appointment |
If you would like the layout or report to have a certain look or feel based on an existing Sage 200 report or layout, at a minimum of 24 hours' before the appointment, you must print out the report or layout, draw on the design changes in red ink, then scan and email the amended document to [email protected]. You must include your account number and the date and time of your appointment in the subject of your email. Failure to do so may result in the appointment being cancelled and / or rescheduled. |
If you require a report or layout to be designed from scratch, you will need to have full details of all information you require to hand in readiness for the appointment. We have created an article with details of all the information we will require before the appointment take place, you can access it here. |
If you would like an image attached to the report or layout, this must be supplied a minimum of 24 hours before your appointment. We do not design the image itself. |
If you would like us to align your layout to pre-printed stationery, then please supply 3 examples of the original document (not photocopies) and post this to us; SMB Report Design Service, Sage (UK) Ltd, C22 - Floor 3 (South Wing), Cobalt Park Way, Cobalt Park, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE28 9EJ. The document would need to be received no later than 24 hours' before the scheduled appointment. |
Report Design appointment |
The purpose of the Report Design appointment is to investigate the report that you require so we can advise if these requirements can be met and if they are inside our Report Design scope. |
Attempts to contact you will be made no more than 3 times on the day of the appointment. If we are unable to contact you then the appointment will be cancelled and will need to be booked again. |
During the report scope, if there are 2 basic changes (see Basic & Advanced Changes above) or less, we will aim to complete the report on the phone during the initial appointment. The Report Design Consultant reserves the right, even in these circumstances, to deliver this as a follow up after the initial call. |
Please make sure you are have access to Sage 200 during your appointment and that you have Internet access available. |
You agree that designing a new report or any amends completed and deployed via the initial Report Design appointment are agreed designs. |
If we are able to make the changes during the initial phone conversation we will endeavour to complete this but as the appointment time is a maximum of 15 minutes, it may not be possible to complete the deployment at which point you will be given a choice:
Please remember it is your responsibility to let us know if the design is not right. The incident will be placed into our Report Design queue. Once the report has been designed, we will contact you to deploy the report. We will attempt to contact you twice to deploy the report or layout and if we are still unable to reach you, we will provide instructions on how to deploy the report yourself. No further technical support will be given at this stage. |
Report delivery |
As part of the Report Design Service, we will deploy a report onto the server machine and onto the menu of one Sage 200 user. We will provide the information including the report by email following the deployment.
Once the report is delivered, you have 5 working days to validate the design of the report or layout.
If you have a query with regards to the report you have had designed within the 5 days, please email [email protected]. |
Post delivery |
Should you have any questions regarding your report or layout after the request is closed, these will be handled on a case by case basis. As a general guide, we will offer the following:
If we are satisfied that the issue is data related, we will refer the incident to your Business Partner or Sage 200 Support Team for further investigation. |
Exclusions / limitations |
Additional Reports (Sage 200 users only)
Charges for extra reports.
Additional reports, outside of your entitlement, can be purchased via our Report Design Service.
This process works in the same way as the inclusive reports so please follow the Report Design Process section, the charge for this starts at £500/€540 (exc. VAT) per half day, the Report Design Consultant will discuss this with you during your appointment. Book an appointment here to discuss your requirements.
Upgrading your licence
Need a little more room? To add extra companies, users, employees or more to your software licence, leave your details and we'll be in touch.