It can be useful when troubleshooting to compare a copy of a customer's data to the demo data or an old copy of their own data that doesn't exhibit the problem you're investigating. The output is in three parts, the first lists all different tables, the second lists any different columns in tables, and the third lists any different relationships between the tables.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio.
- On the toolbar, click New Query.
- Paste the following SQL Script into the Document Window:
CREATE Procedure sp_DBCompare ( @DB1 varchar (255), @DB2 varchar (255) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Time datetime SET @Time = GetDate () SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON SET NOCOUNT ON if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableLacking')) TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.TableLacking IF not exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableLacking')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.TableLacking ( Name1 varchar (255), Type1 varchar (5), Name2 varchar (255), Type2 varchar (5) ) END if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking')) TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking IF not exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking ( Name1 varchar (255), Type1 varchar (5), Name2 varchar (255), Type2 varchar (5) ) END if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableDiff')) TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.TableDiff IF not exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableDiff')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.TableDiff ( NomeTable1 varchar(255) NULL, Column_name1 varchar (255) NULL , Type1 varchar (255) NULL , Computed1 tinyint NULL , Lenght1 int NULL , Prec1 varchar (255) NULL , Scale1 varchar (255) NULL , Nullable1 tinyint NULL , Collation1 varchar (255) NULL, NomeTable2 varchar(255) NULL, Column_name2 varchar (255) NULL , Type2 varchar (255) NULL , Computed2 tinyint NULL , Lenght2 int NULL , Prec2 varchar (255) NULL , Scale2 varchar (255) NULL , Nullable2 tinyint NULL , Collation2 varchar (255) NULL ) END if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.ObjForCursor')) TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.ObjForCursor IF not exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.ObjForCursor')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.ObjForCursor ( TableName varchar (255) ) END if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.Table1')) TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.Table1 IF not exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.Table1')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.Table1 ( Table_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, Column_name varchar (255) NOT NULL , Type varchar (255) NOT NULL , Computed tinyint NOT NULL , Lenght int NOT NULL , Prec varchar (255) NULL , Scale varchar (255) NULL , Nullable tinyint NOT NULL , Collation varchar (255) NULL ) END if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.Table2')) TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.Table2 IF not exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.Table2')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.Table2 ( Table_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, Column_name varchar (255) NOT NULL , Type varchar (255) NOT NULL , Computed tinyint NOT NULL , Lenght int NOT NULL , Prec varchar (255) NULL , Scale varchar (255) NULL , Nullable tinyint NOT NULL , Collation varchar (255) NULL ) END DECLARE @Sql varchar(8000) SELECT @Sql = 'INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TableLacking (Name1, Type1, Name2, Type2) SELECT + ''.'' +, T1.type, + ''.'' +, T2.type FROM ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysobjects T1 INNER JOIN ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysusers U1 ON T1.uid = U1.uid FULL OUTER JOIN '+ @DB2 + '.dbo.sysobjects T2 INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysusers U2 ON T2.uid = U2.uid ON = AND T1.type = T2.type AND = WHERE ( is null or is null) AND (T1.type = ''U'' OR T2.type = ''U'') ORDER By 1,2' EXEC (@Sql) IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tempdb.dbo.TableLacking) > 0 BEGIN SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.TableLacking PRINT 'Some table are lacking between databases ' + @DB1 + ' and ' + @DB2 PRINT 'Please check the tempdb.dbo.TableLacking and synchronize it' END SELECT @Sql = ' INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.ObjForCursor (TableName) SELECT + ''.'' + FROM ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysobjects T1 INNER JOIN ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysusers U1 ON T1.uid = U1.uid INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysobjects T2 INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysusers U2 ON T2.uid = U2.uid ON = AND T1.type = T2.type AND = WHERE (T1.type = ''U'' OR T2.type = ''U'') ORDER BY 1' EXEC (@Sql) DECLARE @TableName varchar(255), @Sql4Proc varchar(7000), @Object1 varchar(250), @Object2 varchar(250) DECLARE CurTable CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT TableName FROM tempdb.dbo.ObjForCursor OPEN CurTable FETCH NEXT FROM CurTable INTO @TableName WHILE @@fetch_status <> -1 BEGIN SELECT @Object1 = @DB1 + '.' + @TableName, @Object2 = @DB2 + '.' + @TableName /* SELECT @Sql4Proc = 'INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TableDiff EXEC sp_TableCompare ''' + @DB1 + '.' + @TableName + ''', ''' + @DB2+ '.' + @TableName + '''' EXEC (@Sql4Proc) */ BEGIN DECLARE @numtypes varchar(80), @objid1 int, @objid2 int SET @numtypes = 'tinyint,smallint,decimal,int,real,money,float,numeric,smallmoney' SET @TableName = PARSENAME(@TableName,1) SELECT @Sql= 'INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.Table1 (Table_name, Column_name, Type, Computed, Lenght, Prec, Scale, Nullable, Collation) SELECT ''' + @TableName + ''',,, C.iscomputed, convert(int, C.length), case when charindex(, ''' + @numtypes + ''') > 0 then C.prec else 0 end, case when charindex(, ''' + @numtypes + ''') > 0 then convert(char(5),OdbcScale(C.xtype,C.xscale)) else '' '' end, C.isnullable, C.collation FROM ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.syscolumns C inner join ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.systypes T ON T.xtype = C.xtype AND T.usertype = C.usertype INNER JOIN ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysobjects O ON = INNER JOIN ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysusers U ON O.uid = U.uid WHERE = ''' + @TableName + ''' and = ''' + PARSENAME(@Object1, 2) + '''and number = 0 ORDER BY colid' -- SELECT @Sql EXEC (@Sql) SELECT @Sql= 'INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.Table2 (Table_name, Column_name, Type, Computed, Lenght, Prec, Scale, Nullable, Collation) SELECT ''' + @TableName + ''',,, C.iscomputed, convert(int, C.length), case when charindex(, ''' + @numtypes + ''') > 0 then C.prec else 0 end, case when charindex(, ''' + @numtypes + ''') > 0 then convert(char(5),OdbcScale(C.xtype,C.xscale)) else '' '' end, C.isnullable, C.collation FROM ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.syscolumns C inner join ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.systypes T ON T.xtype = C.xtype AND T.usertype = C.usertype INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysobjects O ON = INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysusers U ON O.uid = U.uid WHERE = ''' + @TableName + ''' and = ''' + PARSENAME(@Object2, 2) + '''and number = 0 ORDER BY colid' -- SELECT @Sql EXEC (@Sql) INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TableDiff SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.Table1 T1 FULL OUTER JOIN tempdb.dbo.Table2 T2 ON T1.Column_name = T2.Column_name WHERE (T1.Column_name is null or T2.Column_name is null) OR (T1.Type <> T2.Type) OR (T1.Lenght <> T2.Lenght) OR (T1.Prec <> T2.Prec) OR (T1.Nullable <> T2.Nullable) OR (T1.Collation <> T2.Collation) OR (T1.Scale <> T2.Scale) TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.Table1 TRUNCATE table tempdb.dbo.Table2 END FETCH NEXT FROM CurTable INTO @TableName END CLOSE CurTable DEALLOCATE CurTable IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tempdb.dbo.TableDiff) > 0 BEGIN SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.TableDiff PRINT 'Some table are different between databases ' + @DB1 + ' and ' + @DB2 PRINT 'Please check the tempdb.dbo.TableDiff and synchronize it' END SELECT @Sql = 'INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking (Name1, Type1, Name2, Type2) SELECT + ''.'' +, T1.type, + ''.'' +, T2.type FROM ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysobjects T1 INNER JOIN ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysusers U1 ON T1.uid = U1.uid FULL OUTER JOIN '+ @DB2 + '.dbo.sysobjects T2 INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysusers U2 ON T2.uid = U2.uid ON = AND T1.type = T2.type AND = WHERE ( is null or is null) AND (T1.type IN (''C'',''FN'',''IF'',''P'',''TF'',''TR'',''V'',''X'',''PK'',''F'', ''UK'') OR T2.type IN (''C'',''FN'',''IF'',''P'',''TF'',''TR'',''V'',''X'', ''PK'', ''F'', ''UK'') )' EXEC (@Sql) SELECT @Sql = 'INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking (Name1, Type1, Name2, Type2) SELECT + ''.'' + + ''.'' +, ''IX'', + ''.'' + + ''.'' +, ''IX'' FROM ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysobjects T1 INNER JOIN ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysindexes S1 ON = INNER JOIN ' + @DB1 + '.dbo.sysusers U1 ON T1.uid = U1.uid FULL OUTER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysobjects T2 INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysindexes S2 ON = INNER JOIN ' + @DB2 + '.dbo.sysusers U2 ON T2.uid = U2.uid ON = WHERE ( is null or is null ) AND (S1.indid between 0 and 255 and (S1.status & 64)=0 AND S1.keys is not null OR S2.indid between 0 and 255 and (S2.status & 64)=0 AND S2.keys is not null)' -- EXEC (@Sql) IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking) > 0 BEGIN SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking ORDER BY 1,2,3,4 PRINT 'Some object are lacking between databases ' + @DB1 + ' and ' + @DB2 PRINT 'Please check the tempdb.dbo.ObjectLacking and synchronize it' END PRINT 'Execution time: ' + CONVERT(varchar, DATEDIFF(ms,@Time, GetDate()) )+ ' ms' SET NOCOUNT OFF END GO
- On the toolbar, click Execute.
- This creates a stored procedure called dbo.sp_DBCompare.
- Create a new database in SQL Server Management Studio and restore a backup of the database comparing against.
- Make a note of the 2 database names as shown in SQL Server Management Studio.
- Create a new query.
- Type the following SQL Script into the Document Window replacing DBName1 and DBName2 with the names of the database you want to compare (the inverted commas are required):
sp_DBCompare 'DBName1','DBName2'
- On the toolbar, click Execute.
- The output is broken into 3 sections:
- The 1st is a list of all new/different tables, name1 corresponding to database1 and name2, database2.
- The 2nd sections shows different fields in the tables.
- The 3rd shows any different relationships between the tables. If the database has a table/field it shows its name, if the other database does not have the table/field it shows NULL.
- This doesn't appear to be SQL version dependant and can be used to check older databases versus newer ones.