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Plan ahead for payroll year end 2025

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How to plan ahead for your payroll year end 2025 in Sage 50 Payroll.


Get ready to install your update

The upcoming year end update includes legislation for both 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 tax years. This means that you can install it as soon as it becomes available.

To ensure your installation goes smoothly, we recommend you complete some preparation steps. Visit our prepare to update your software article for details of what you need to do.

If you have IT support who install your payroll updates, we recommend you advise them of this upcoming update.

Check if you have a week 53

If you pay your employees weekly, fortnightly or four weekly and your regular pay date falls on Saturday 5 April 2025, then you have a week 53.

 NOTE: If you pay your employees monthly, you don't have a week 53. Or, if you don't pay your employees on a Saturday, you won't have a week 53.

This is simply an extra pay period within the tax year, and you can process it as normal.

If you'd like help with checking this, visit our how to identify and process week 53 article.

Register for a free live webinar

Gain the confidence and knowledge to install the update and prepare for your year end. This year our experts are also covering additional topics that we're often asked about, in dedicated free webinars.

Visit the payroll year end webinars 2025 article to book your free place on our webinars today.

Help with payroll year end

We're updating your Payroll Year End 2025 hub with everything you need to complete your year end. 

You can easily access the hub from your software, by clicking Weblinks then Payroll Year End Support.

For help in any area of your software, including payroll year end, click Help or press F1 on your keyboard to view relevant help.

Check your HMRC submissions

Be confident about what you've submitted for each period of the tax year.

View and reconcile the figures you've sent to HMRC in your full payment submission (FPS) and employer payment summary (EPS) for each period.

Find out how to check your submissions in our check your HMRC submissions article.

Home page

The Home page gives you easy access to a range of information when you open your software. This includes useful information on year end, and more.