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TASBooks - To create a sales order, quotation, pro-forma invoice or credit note

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Using TASBooks, you can create a sales order, quotation or pro-forma to send to your customers.


To create an order

1. Click Sales Orders, then click Sales Orders, then click Enter / Change Sales Orders / Credit Notes.

2. Within the Order Details tab, complete the following information:

Invoice To Press F2 and select the relevant customer.
Deliver To Press F2 and select the appropriate delivery address.
Order No When you save the order, TASBooks automatically generates the order number for you.

If you're recalling an existing order enter the order number here.
Type Choose one of the following options:

  • Quotation.
  • Pro-Forma.
  • Sales Order.
  • Credit Order.
Ref Enter a reference if required.
Date Enter the date of this transaction.
Salesperson Enter the appropriate salesperson code, or press the tab key if you don't want to enter a salesperson.
Market Code Enter the marketing code, or press the tab key if you don't want to enter a Market Code.
Overall Disc If you're offering a discount on the whole invoice, enter the discount amount here, or press the tab key if you don't want to enter a discount.

3. On the next available line of the entry grid, enter the product's details as follows:

Product Code Press F2, then select the relevant product.

You can also recall a skeleton order by entering # in the product code area. Then press F2 and select the required skeleton.
Description Enter a description if required.
Ord Qty Enter the number of the orders for this product.

To enter a credit on a sales order or debit on a credit order, enter a negative value here. The total value of the order cannot be less than 0.00.
  The following options are only available if you have a licence that includes the Stock Control module.
B/O Qty Enter the number of products on back order.
Ship Qty This value calculates automatically. You can edit it, if required.
Unit Price The current selling price of this product.
Disc % If required, enter any discount percentage offered for this product.
V If required, enter a different VAT rate for the product.
Line Amount The total value of the order for this product appears here. This value excludes VAT, unless you're using the Retail VAT-inclusive price for this customer.

4. Repeat step 3 to add all product lines.

5. Click Save, then click Yes.

6. Click Cancel.

To edit an existing order

Follow the steps below to edit your invoice information, as well as converting a quotation or pro-forma into an sales order.

1. Click Sales Orders, then click Sales Orders, then click Enter / Change Sales Orders / Credit Notes.

2. Click Order No, press F2, then select it from the list.

If this is a quotation or pro-forma invoice, a Convert to Sales Order window appears. To convert this to to a sales order and allocate stock to the order, click Yes.

3. Enter the relevant amendments.

4. Click Save, then click Yes.

5. Click Cancel.


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