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Import data into TASBooks

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To save time entering transactions into TASBooks, you can import data using a Comma Separated files (*.csv) file.


You may want to do this for a number of reasons, for example importing information from another system or to save time by importing transactions as a batch.


Before you import transactions

Before you start importing transactions into TASBooks, you must take a backup of your data and have a CSV file that contains the transactions you want to import.

The import file

You must enter the following information on your .CSV file in the correct order.

  Required or optional Contents Format
TrxID Required Enter the transaction number you want to use. Alpha
Ledger Required Indicates which ledger the transaction belongs to: Sales Ledger (SL), Purchase Ledger (PL) or Cash Book (CB). Alpha
TrxType Required You can import the following transaction types:

Invoices - I.
Credit notes - N.
Credit journal- C.
Debit journal-N.
Customer receipt - R
Purchase Payment - P
Transfer - X.
TrxDate Required Enter the transaction date. DD/MM/YYY
Code Required Enter the relevant customer or supplier code. Alpha numeric
Ref Required Enter the transaction reference. Alpha numeric
Desc Optional Enter a description for the transaction.. Alpha numeric
Project Not applicable Supplier payments only - If required, enter the project code for this transaction. Alpha numeric
NLAcct Required Enter the nominal account for this invoice. Numeric
NLDept Required Enter the nominal department. If you don't use departments, enter 100. Numeric
VATRateID Required To apply a VAT rate to this transaction, enter the relevant VAT rate ID or number. Alpha numeric
NetAmt Required Enter the net amount of the transaction. Numeric
VATAmt Required Enter the VAT amount on this transaction. If there is no VAT, enter 0.


BankAcct1 Not applicable Cash Book receipts, payments and transfers only.
Enter the number of the relevant bank account.
For transfers,enter the bank account the transfer is coming from.
BankAcct2 Not applicable Bank transfers only - Enter the number of the bank account the transfer is going to. Numeric

To import transactions into TASBooks
    1. From the TASBooks Company Manager, select the company you want to import transactions into.
    2. From the menu bar, click Company, then click Import Transactions.
  1. Select the type of file you want to import from the drop-down.
  2. Click Browse, select your import file, then click Open.
  3. Click Next.

    If there's any problems found with the import file, the errors appear on screen. You should correct the errors then retry the import. To retry the import click Retry, or click Close.

  4. Enter a supervisor user code and password for this company, then click Next.
  5. Click Import to begin importing your transactions.

When the import is complete, the Transaction Import Assistant confirms the number of transactions successfully imported.

If the import fails, you're advised of the point at which the failure occurred. This may result in only some of the transactions being imported. In this situation, you can choose to restore the backup you took before you began the import and complete the procedure again, or edit your import file, to ensure only the un-imported transactions are included.


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