When you produce a credit note, this can put goods back into stock. This also applies to assembly-type products. However, in many cases you may not want to put all or some of the goods back into stock.
This option is only available if your TASBooks licence includes the Stock Control module.
The following steps contain everything you need to help you record stock adjustments in TASBooks.
Enter stock opening balances
- Stock > Stock Movement > Stock Adjustments (option 521)
- Select the Opening Balance check box.
- Date > enter the date of the opening balance.
- GMV > enter a GMV number or reference number > press the Tab button on your keyboard.
- Stock Details > for each product you want to enter an opening balance for, complete the following information:
Product Code Enter the product's code. Alternatively, press F2 > select the relevant product. Description Enter a description for the adjustment. For example, opening balance. Date Enter the date for this opening balance, for example, the date of the last stock take. Qty Enter the current quantity in stock. Cost Price Enter the cost price of the product. NL Acct Enter the nominal code for your stock account. Tip: This will default to the nominal code you entered for stock adjustments in Central > General Company information > TASBooks Configuration (option 012)
- Press the Tab button on your keyboard.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each product you want to enter opening balances for > Save > Yes.
- To close the Stock Adjustments window > Cancel.
Enter stock adjustments
- Stock > Stock Movement > Stock Adjustments (option 521)
- If you want this entry to be counted during a stock take > select the Stock Taken check box.
- GMV > enter a GMV number or reference number > press the Tab button on your keyboard.
- Stock Details > for each product you want to enter an adjustment for, complete the following information:
Product Code Enter the product's code, or press F2 > select the relevant product. Description Enter a description for the adjustment. Date Enter the date for the adjustment. Qty Enter the quantity you want to adjust the stock by. Tip: This can be a positive or negative value.
Cost Price Enter the cost price of the product.
This will default to the standard cost price of the product you entered in Stock > Products and Services > Maintain Products / Services (option 511), but you can overwrite it here.NL Acct Enter the nominal code for your stock account.
This will default to the nominal code you entered for stock adjustments in Central > General Company information > TASBooks Configuration (option 012) - Press the Tab button on your keyboard
You can cancel a stock adjustment by simply entering an opposite entry. So if you just increased stock and you made a mistake, you simply repeat the adjustment but this time you decrease stock.
- Repeat step 4 and 5 for each product you want to enter an adjustment for > Save > Yes.To close the Stock Adjustments window > Cancel.
NOTE: If you make stock adjustments that include movements of goods to and from the EC, you must also manually update the Intrastat SD file from either Sales Orders > Intrastat > Enter / Change Intrastat Dispatches (option 671) or Purchase Orders > Intrastat > Enter / Change Intrastat Arrivals (option 771).