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TASBooks - Customer refunds

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There may be occasions when you may need to make a refund to a customer using TASBooks. Before you process the refund, you must have entered an invoice and recorded a customer receipt.


Enter the credit note
  1. Click Sales, then click Enter/Change Journals, then click Enter / Change Customer Credit Notes / Credit Journals.
  2. Complete the following information:
    Posting No This automatically creates when you save the transaction. If you want to recall an existing transaction, enter it's posting number here
    Date Enter the date required
    Type Choose Credit Note.
    Def Dist if required, select a nominal code distribution for this invoice.
  3. Click Code, then select the required customer.
  4. Complete the Invoice Details information:
    Ref No Enter a reference for the credit note. Enter a reference for the credit note.
    Date Enter the date of the credit note.
    Desc Enter a description if required.
    Project If applicable, enter a project code. Alternatively, press F2 > select the relevant project.
    Net Enter the net amount of the credit.
    VAT Select the required rate.
    Total The total amount calculates automatically here.
  5. Press the Tab key.
  6. Click on line 3, then press F2.
  7. Select the sales nominal account you want to use.
  8. Enter the net value into the Debit column to balance the journal.
    The Still to Post boxes displays 0.00
  9. Click Save, then click Yes.
  10. Click Cancel.

NOTE: If this credit is for a VAT registered customer in another EC country, you'll now be prompted to enter the Goods and Services distribution.

To enter the refund
    1. Click Sales, then click Enter / Change Journals, then click Enter / Change Customer Invoices / Debit Journals.
    2. Complete the following information:
Posting No This automatically creates when you save the transaction.

If you want to recall an existing transaction, enter it's posting number here.
Date Enter the date for the refund.
Type Choose Refund.
    1. Press the tab key, then press F2 to select the relevant customer.
    2. Complete the following information in the Invoice Details window:
Ref No Enter a reference for the refund.
Date Enter the date of the refund.
Desc Enter a description if required.
Bank Choose the bank account the refund is coming from.
Net Enter the total value of the refund.
  1. Click Save, then click Yes.
  2. Click Cancel.
Allocate the refund to the credit note
  1. Click Sales, then click Receipts, then click Enter / Allocate Sales Receipts.
  2. Press F2, then select the relevant customer.
  3. Double-click the credit note you want to allocate.
  4. Select the appropriate option from the Allocate Credit window.
  5. To allocate this credit note to an invoice, double-click the relevant invoice.
  6. Click Save, then click Yes.
  7. Click Cancel.

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