Sage Report Designer contains a tool that you can use to email documents. This article details how to set up Sage 200 using roles and document types so that certain layouts can be emailed to two contacts at the same time
For further information about emailing reports and layouts, click here.
NOTE: The below settings are not suitable for use on layouts such as Sales Ledger statements due to the way that statements are built. However, the theory can be applied to Purchase Order layouts in a similar way to Sales Order layouts, for use on documents such as Purchase Order (single).layout.
NOTE: This article has been prepared and issued to you as a goodwill gesture only and Sage accepts no liability or responsibility for its use. For further support please refer to your Business Partner.
- Set up a customer document type for this role under Accounting System Manager – Customer and Supplier Document Types. I.e. role test below.
- On the customer record, add two contacts, one attached to the account role and one attached to your new role (role one) as the preferred contact. Ensure a different email address is entered against each contact.
- On the sales order layout, pre-set the criteria for DOC_TYPE_FOR_ROLE to the new role that you have set up. To do this, open the layout in Report Designer, click Report, then click Criteria and highlight DOC_TYPE_FOR_ROLE , click Modify and set the 'Default Value' to the name of the role created above.
- Set up your email options so that the "To" address picks up both the SLCustomerContacts.PreferredEmail Address and the SLCustomerAccounts.ContactEmailAddress.
- Ensure the rest of the email settings are configured correctly as per the email software that you are using.
- Save the layout with a new name and select the relevant option in File, click Choose Layouts. When you send the email, it will pick up both email addresses:
NOTE: If you are viewing this article from the Sage website, a list of Sage 200 Report Designer articles are now .
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