If your subcontractor agrees you can send their monthly CIS payment and deduction statement by email. Read more >>
To email the statement to each subcontractor, the layout must be grouped by PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF. To do this you can either:
- Download the SubContractor Monthly Statement (Email) layout from our website (recommended), or
- Edit your subcontractor statement in Report Designer.
Download and install the SubContractor Monthly Statement (Email)
- On the menu bar click Help, then click About.
- Make a note of the data directory, excluding the ACCDATA folder, for example, C:\ProgramData\Sage\Accounts\2017\COMPANY.000
- Close Sage 50 Accounts.
- Right-click the download link then click Save link as or Save target as.
- Browse to the directory you noted in step 2, double-click the Layouts folder then click Save.
The SubContractor Monthly Statement (Email) layout now appears in the Subcontractors module within Statements.
If you want to make any changes to the default email settings, you can find more information in the following article.
Edit your subcontractor statement in Report Designer
If you downloaded the SubContractor Monthly Statement (Email) you don't need to follow these steps.
Open the SubContractor Monthly Statement in Report Designer
- On the navigation bar click Subcontractors.
- Click a subcontractor then click Statements, click Layouts, click the SubContractor Monthly Statement, then click Edit.
You have now opened the statement Sage Report Designer, and can now amend it to send by email.
Amend the layout to send by email
If any of the panes mentioned in this section aren't visible, open the View menu > select the required pane. If the pane doesn't appear, you can reset the Report Designer view to its default. For further information about this, please refer to the following article.
- On the menu bar click Sections, click Add Section, click Group Header And Footer, enter PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF then click OK.
- In the Report Explorer pane, click the first Page Header section, then in the Properties pane note the Height value.
- In the Report Explorer pane, click the second Page Header section, then in the Properties pane note the Height value.
- In the Report Explorer pane, click the PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF Header section, then in the Properties pane in Height enter the sum of the two Page Header heights you noted.
- Move the contents of the two Page Header sections into the PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF Header section.
- In the Report Explorer pane, click the first Page Header. In the Properties pane, on the Suppress Printing list click True, then on the Visible list click False.
- In the Report Explorer pane, click the second Page Header. In the Properties pane, on the Suppress Printing list click True, then on the Visible list click False.
- In the Report Explorer pane, click the PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF Header. In the Properties pane, on the Page Break Before list click True, then on the Repeat on each page list click True. There is no need to suppress the PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF Footer, this section is required to ensure the email works correctly.
- On the menu bar click Report, then click Email Settings.
Report Designer v1.3 and below - In the Report Explorer pane click the layout description, then in the Properties pane click Email Options. You can check your Report Designer version in Help > About > Application > File Version. - Click To, then in the lower half of the Email Addresses window click Add. In the Expression Editor window enter PURCHASE_LEDGER.E_MAIL, click OK then click OK.
If you want to show the email address from the Email2 or Email3 box in the subcontractor record, replace PURCHASE_LEDGER.E_MAIL with PURCHASE_LEDGER.E_MAIL2 or 3 as required. - Enter any required subject and amend the remaining email settings as required.
- On the E-mail message should contain list, click Group 1 - PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF.
- Select whether to send emails automatically or save to the mailbox, then click OK.
You have now grouped the statement by PURCHASE_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF and entered the email settings. You should make any further changes required and then save the layout.
Save the changes to your layout
- On the menu bar, click Report, click Report Properties.
- In Report Name enter a new name for the document, then in Report Description enter a new description for the document, then click OK.
Report Designer v1.3 and below - In the Report Explorer pane click the document name, then in the Properties pane in Name enter a new name for the document, then press Enter. - On the menu bar, click File then click Save As.
- In File name enter a new file name, then click Save.
- On the menu bar, click File then click Exit.
You have now saved your amended document.
If you have any difficulty finding a recently saved document, you can open it from the Report Designer Recent files list and save it to the required location. To open a recently viewed report, from the Sage Accounts desktop open the Tools menu, choose Report Designer then from the Recent files list, click your required report.
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