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Share a folder and apply permissions

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How to share a folder and apply permissions to ensure your Sage software can read the data successfully.


If you need to access your data over a network, to ensure your Sage software can read the data successfully, you should share and set the permissions correctly. Let's do this now.


TIP: To check your operating system, press the Windows key + R, type winver then click OK.

Windows 10

When using Windows 10, the Sharing Wizard replaces the Simple file sharing option in Windows XP, making it easier to share folders.

Activate the Sharing Wizard

  1. Click View, then click the Options drop-down and then click Change folder and search options.


  2. Click the View tab and select the Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) check box then click OK.

    TIP: This check box is selected by default. Clearing this check box doesn't remove the Security tab from the Properties windows.

Share a folder

Option 1 - Right-click the required folder then click Share with

  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
  2. Right-click the required folder, click Give access to then click Specific people.

 TIP: We'd recommend sharing the folder before the Company folders, for example sharing 2023 in the data path C:\Programdata\Sage\Accounts\2023\Company.001\Accdata 


  1. For the first box, click the drop-down arrow, choose Everyone then click Add. Alternatively, type the name of the user then click Add.
  2. To give full access, set the permissions level to Read/Write, click Share then click Done.

    NOTE: If you give the user Read/Write access, they're automatically given full control in the Security tab.

If your data is being shared from a Windows Server operating system and you are sharing with Windows 10 Enterprise/Education, then you must disable the Guest login on the server.  Otherwise you will have to specify user credentials when sharing the data.

Option 2 - Right-click the required folder then click Properties

  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
  1. Right-click the required folder, click Properties then click the Sharing tab.

 TIP: We'd recommend sharing the folder before the Company folders, for example sharing 2023 in the data path C:\Programdata\Sage\Accounts\2023\Company.001\Accdata





  1. For the first box, either click the drop-down arrow, choose Everyone then click Add, or type the name of the user then click Add.
  2. To give full access set the permissions level to Read/Write, click Share then click Done.

Advanced Sharing


  1. Complete the Advanced Sharing window as follows:

    Share this folder Select this check box.
    Share name This defaults to the folder name but can be amended if required.
    Limit the number of simultaneous users to Enter the maximum number of users that can access the shared folder simultaneously.
    Comments If required, enter a comments relating to the shared folder.
  2. Click Permissions, click Add then in the Enter the object names to select box, enter the required user name.


  3. Click Check Names then click OK.
  4. Ensure the required user name is selected then select the required permissions.


  5. Click OK, click OK then click Close.

If your data is being shared from a Windows Server operating system and you are sharing with Windows 10 Enterprise/Education, then you must disable the Guest login on the server.  Otherwise you will have to specify user credentials when sharing the data.

Security tab

  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
  2. Right-click the required folder, click Properties, click the Security tab, click Edit then click Add.
  3. In the Enter the object names to select box enter the required user name, click Check Names then click OK.


  4. Ensure the required group or user name is selected then select the required permissions, either Modify or Full control.


  5. Click OK then click OK.

If your data is being shared from a Windows Server operating system and you are sharing with Windows 10 Enterprise/Education, then you must disable the Guest login on the server.  Otherwise you will have to specify user credentials when sharing the data.

Windows 8

When using Windows 8, the Sharing Wizard replaces the Simple file sharing option in Windows XP, making it easier to share folders.

Activate the Sharing Wizard

  1. Click View, click Options then click View.
  2. Select the Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) check box then click OK.

    TIP: This check box is selected by default. Clearing this check box doesn't remove the Security tab from the Properties windows.

Share a folder

Option 1 - Right-click the required folder then click Share with

  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
  2. Right-click the required folder, click Share with then click Specific people.

 TIP: We'd recommend sharing the folder before the Company folders, for example sharing 2023 in the data path C:\Programdata\Sage\Accounts\2023\Company.001\Accdata 


  1. For the first box, either click the drop-down arrow, choose Everyone then Add, or type the name of the user then click Add.
  2. To give full access set the permissions level to Read/Write, click Share then click Done.

    NOTE: If you give the user Read/Write access, they're automatically given full control in the Security tab.

Option 2 - Right-click the required folder then click Properties

  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
  2. Right-click the required folder, click Properties then click the Sharing tab.

 TIP: We'd recommend sharing the folder before the Company folders, for example sharing 2023 in the data path C:\Programdata\Sage\Accounts\2023\Company.001\Accdata 





  1. For the first box, either click the drop-down arrow, choose Everyone then click Add, or type the name of the user then click Add.
  2. To give full access, set the permissions level to Read/Write, click Share then click Done.

Advanced Sharing


  1. Complete the Advanced Sharing window as follows:

    Share this folder Select this check box.
    Share name This defaults to the folder name but can be amended if required.
    Limit the number of simultaneous users to Enter the maximum number of users that can access the shared folder simultaneously.
    Comments If required, enter a comments relating to the shared folder.
  2. Click Permissions, click Add then, in the Enter the object names to select box, enter the required user name.


  3. Click Check Names then click OK.
  4. Ensure the required user name is selected then select the required permissions.


  5. Click OK, click OK then click Close.

Security tab


  1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
  2. Right-click the required folder, click Properties, click the Security tab, click Edit then click Add.
  3. In the Enter the object names to select box enter the required user name, click Check Names then click OK.


  4. Ensure the required group or user name is selected, select the required permissions, either Modify or Full control.


  5. Click OK then click Close.


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