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Back up your data

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This article explains how to take a backup in Sage Instant Payroll.


From time to time, you may need tor restore a backup of your data. This could be to go back to a previous pay period so you can reprocess or, you may be installing Sage Instant Payroll on a new laptop.

TIP: Sage Instant Payroll takes an automatic back every time that you Finish Payroll. You can use this automatic backup to recover data when you need to reprocess payroll. However, we recommend that you take at least one backup to an external device, for example a memory stick, in case you need to restore the backup on another computer.

To take a backup in Sage Instant Payroll, follow the steps below:


  1. Click Tools then click Backup.
  2. Click Browse, then browse to the loccation you want to save the file.
    For example your desktop or your memory stick drive.
  3. In Filename, enter a name for your backup so you can easily identify it.
    For example, today's date.
  4. Click Backup now then click Close Backup screen.

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