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Sage 200 technology deprecation

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We wanted to inform you of some upcoming technology retirements that will affect your use of Sage 200. Your Sage Business Partner may have already made you aware of this and the need to take action to avoid disruption to your business.


Software version

NOTE: You have indicated that you are using a version of Sage 200, which is no longer supported. 

Details of our supported versions are available in our software lifecycle policy.

TLS (Transport Layer Security)

Sage 200 Professional utilises a variety of technologies, some of these are provided through other software vendors and as with all technology, older versions are not maintained. One such example is TLS, this is a security protocol, which is widely used by the software industry, to encrypt data sent via the Internet. As seen with other vendors such as Microsoft, older versions of this protocol are being retired from their solutions and services.

Within the Sage 200 product, this protocol is used for a variety of services, including the Sage Licence Service.

The licencing service enables your Sage 200 solution to be licenced over the Internet. As your product version is using an older version of our licencing service, which uses a version of the TLS protocol that has been retired, we will be deactivating it from 01 October 2022.

Due to the nature of how the licencing works, you will not be able to use your software, therefore you need to upgrade.

All currently supported versions of Sage 200 use the latest version of our licencing service – please talk to your Sage Business Partner as soon as possible to arrange an upgrade.

Internet Explorer

Microsoft have announced the retirement of Internet Explorer (IE). The announcement signifies that Microsoft will provide no further IE updates, including those of a security nature.

Your business may have its own technology strategy around the use of IE, the retirement will likely have an impact of the availability of IE for future installations.

Whilst Sage 200 will continue to work with IE, other organisation such as banks, may reject their use due to the software being retired. Your Sage 200 version uses IE during installation and for other key features so there are some key facts you should be aware of:

  • If you wish to install your Sage 200 version on a new computer without IE, the installation will not complete successfully.
  • If IE is removed from the computer, the operation and use of the software will be impacted. This includes, but is not limited to bank feeds, invoice payments, self-service and workspaces.
    NOTE: Some of these features may not be applicable to the version you are running. Where it is relevant and depending on your selection, further information will be displayed as you continue through this guide.

Further information

Depending on your business assessment around Internet Explorer more generally, you may wish to upgrade your solution to our latest release: 2022 R1. The software is included as part of the licence fee element payable to Sage but there may be a cost from your Partner to install it. 

Please speak to your Sage Business Partner to discuss your requirements in more detail, and to co-ordinate with your partner around the installation of the necessary update. If you have any third- party integrations, you may want to discuss this matter with your developer, your Partner should be able to help you do this.