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Check your antivirus software to avoid conflicts with Sage 50 Payroll

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What to do if your antivirus software interferes with your Sage 50 Payroll installation.


In some cases anti virus software quarantines Sage 50 Payroll files during installation, which prevents you from completing your installation.

We work with several antivirus software companies to update their definitions to exclude Sage files. If you experience problems of this nature, first please ensure you're using a fully updated version of your antivirus software.


Automatic updates and downloads

To ensure that the automatic update downloads and installs successfully, you should exclude the below file from your antivirus software's scanning routine.

  • payrollsetup.exe

NOTE: We can't support you with modifying your antivirus software. If you need help with this, please refer to your local IT support.

Antivirus quarantines Sage files

If your antivirus quarantines a Sage file when you download or install Sage software, you should allow or add the file to your exception list. You can find further details for the following antivirus software:

Files and folders used by Sage 50 Payroll

To help improve the performance of Sage Payroll, you can identify the files and folders that Sage 50 Payroll uses and exclude them from your antivirus software's scanning routine.

Firstly, you should check and the following:

  1. Open Sage 50 Payroll.
  2. Click Help then click About.
  3. Make a note of your program directory and data directory.

Sage 50 Payroll uses the following files and folders:

  • Your program directory
  • Your data directory
  • C:\Program Data\Sage\Payroll
  • C:\Program Data\Sage\SBD Software Updates
  • C:\Program Data\Sage\Payroll\Payroll.ini or C:\Windows\Payroll.ini
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sage Report Designer 2007 or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sage Report Designer 2007
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sage Report Designer or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sage Report Designer
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sage Shared
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sage SBD or C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sage SBD
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sage\Central\AutoUpdateClient\AutoUpdateClient.exe or C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sage\Central\AutoUpdateClient\AutoUpdateClient.exe

Depending on your version of Sage 50 Payroll, some of the folders may not exist.

NOTE: We can't support you with modifying your antivirus software. If you need help with this, please refer to your local IT support.

URLs to exclude

Firewall and antivirus software may interfere with the download and installation of software updates and other Sage services, for example, Sage Licensing. To minimise this issue, firewall and anti-virus software may be configured to permit access to:


For further information and help with this, please contact your IT support.