Submission error: 'Employees using a reduced rate NI category must have a...'

When you try to submit an FPS for an employee on National Insurance (NI) category B, E or I, you may see the error:

'SGS0196 Employees using a reduced rate NI category must have a date of birth on or before 05/04/1961'



This error occurs if the employee's date of birth in their employee record is 6 April 1961 or after. NI categories B, E and I are only applicable to employees whose date of birth is 5 April 1961 or before.

Check the date of birth

Your first step is to check the employee's date of birth is correct in your software.

  1. While the FPS error is open, note the names of any affected employees.
  2. Double-click the first employee you'd like to check.
  3. In the Personal tab, check their Date of Birth is correct.

Select the relevant option below for your next steps.

▼ The date of birth is already correct, and it's on or after 6 April 1961

If the employee is on NI category B, E, or I, but their date of birth is 6 April 1961 or after, they aren't on the correct NI category.

When you process an employee's payroll on the wrong NI category, their NI liability may be incorrect. If it is, you need to reprocess the employee's pay on the correct NI category. 

 NOTE: If you're not certain whether you need to reprocess the employee's payroll, contact HMRC for advice. 

For help with reprocessing due to an incorrect NI category, follow our how do I correct an employee processed on the wrong NI category article. 

▼ The date of birth is incorrect, and I need to amend it

If the employee's date of birth is incorrect in your software and they're entitled to use category B, E or I, you need to correct this.

  1. Back up your data.
  2. Rollback the employee to before you updated records for the period you can't submit.
     NOTE: For help with doing this, follow the how to use the rollback option article. 
  3. Double-click the employee on your employee list.
  4. Enter their correct Date of Birth.
  5. Click Save then Close.
  6. Check the process date is correct, and that their payments are correct.
  7. Update records, then submit the FPS as normal.


Steps to duplicate
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