Communication: Sage 200 Professional - Test & Recovery Licence Migrations

This communication was sent 20 January 2025.

Notice 25-QJ | 20 Jan 2025

Sage 200 Professional - Test & Recovery Licence Migrations

Dear Partner,

We wrote to you in May 2024 to let you know we’d be migrating all non-subscription Test & Recovery licences (T&R), to subscription.

We’ve identified a small number of customers that have not been picked up as part of this activity, so we need to migrate these.

Which customers are being migrated?

Around 145 customers, we’re only sending this communication to their linked partners.

When will you undertake the migration?

We’ll do the migration on 5th February.

What does this mean for you?

  • Each customer with the older style Test & Recovery licence (and an active Sage 200 live licence) will be migrated and a new serial number provided, this will be emailed to you.
  • The automated process to create the new licence will match the customers live product entitlement, in terms of modules and users.
  • The version number for the new subscription Test & Recovery licence will be set to match the live licence version.
  • The existing Test & Recovery licence, if still active, will be set to expire 28 February 2025, we'll notify you of the new licence details via email to your billing contact.
  • You must ensure that each customer has their live serial number in their live system, and their test serial number in their test and/or disaster copies.

Failure to provide the licence details to the customer and updating the licence in product will mean the product licence will stop working within 30 days of the expiry date.

How can we confirm the licence details the customer is using?

You can find out how in our knowledgebase article.

Can we opt out of the migration?

No, it’s essential we complete the migrations, not only will it simplify processes, and reduce administration for all parties but it helps to reduce risks.

Where can we find more information?

We have a variety of documentation available:

Notifying Sage of upgrades

Ensuring we have accurate version information is really important so we wanted to remind partners that where a live upgrade is completed, then this must be confirmed to us via the upgrade form.

To enable you to ask for changes on the T&R licence, either to change the version for testing, or recent licence changes to live haven’t been correctly reflected you will be able to do this via our new T&R change notification form.


If you have any questions, please speak to your Partner Account Manager in the first instance.