Your software only includes employees in an e-Banking file if their payment method is BACS or Direct BACS. If you pay directly or indirectly to BACS using a Service User Number (SUN), set the payment method as Direct BACS. NOTE: Visit the paying employees by BACS with a Service User Number (SUN) article to find out more. Set up your employees for e-Banking Your software uses the payment method set at the time you update records for each pay run. For example, an employee's payment method is Cash when you update records for tax month four. Your software doesn't include them in the month four e-Banking file, even if you change the method afterwards. If you need to change payment method to BACS or Direct BACS after you've updated records, rollback that period before you make the amendment. For help with doing this, follow the how to use the rollback option article. - Double-click the relevant employee, then go to the Employment tab.
- On the Payment Method list, select BACS or Direct BACS as required.
- Go to the Banking tab and enter the employee's bank account details.
- Select Save, then Close.
Repeat the steps above for any other employees you need to update. You can now include these employees in e-Banking files for periods you process after making this change. |