This communication was sent 13 November 2024. Notice 24-PU | 13 Nov 2024 Sage 200 Professional and Sage Connect - Kick off recap & next steps Dear Partner, Thank you for attending our kick off call earlier today. We wanted to recap the next steps with you: - Get yourself ready for your 121 onboarding call.
Our early adopter team will be contacting you to set up your 121 onboarding call. Before there 121 call takes place, its essential to undertake a couple of key activities. You can find out more here. - Testing activity & next steps.
Once you have completed your 121 onboarding call, you will be sent a further email with links to key testing activity we want you to undertake. - Attend weekly stand up calls.
Every Wednesday at 2pm, starting on 27th November. - Questions?
If you have any questions, you can contact [email protected], or they can be raised during our weekly standup. - Partner early adopter exit criteria.
One of our exit criteria for the partner early adopter is that we have customers sign up to join our customer early adopter. As you go through your program, please work with your customers and where there are suitable candidates get them to sign up here. Kind Regards Jo Jo Kirkup Product Manager Sage 200 UK and Ireland |