Advance pay for multiple employees

If your employees take a holiday and want their pay in advance, you can use the Advance Pay option. 

Pay the wages for more than one pay period at once. Sage then calculates the deductions, such as tax based on the current period, and any periods advanced.

You can advance pay for a single employee, or for multiple employees.

 TIP: Check out our guide to see how tax and NI are calculated when you advance pay over payroll year end.


Advance pay for multiple employees

You can use Global Changes to advance pay for multiple employees at once. The pay element you use must be a global pay element, or you must select the Auto Advance check box:

  1. Click Company then click Pay Elements.
  2. Select the pay element then click Edit.
  3. Select the Auto Advance check box.
  4. Click OK then click OK.
  5. Select the relevant employees then click Tasks then click Global Changes.
  6. Click Advance Pay then click Advance Pay for (n) Periods.
  7. Enter the number of periods to advance then select what to advance the pay upon.
  8. Click OK then click Yes.
  9. To print the results, click Print, check your printer details are correct, then click OK.
Steps to duplicate
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