Process an employee's final pay

When an employee leaves your company, you need to provide them with a P45 and inform HMRC.

First, process their final pay.

 TIP: If an employee leaves earlier than your normal pay day, follow our guide to pay a leaver mid month.


Process your employee's final pay

Before you start, read our guide on what to consider before processing an employee as a leaver (new tab)

  1. Click Payroll, then click Change Process Date.
  2. Enter the required pay date, then click OK.
  3. Select the employees you want to pay, then click Enter Payments.
  4. Enter the payment details for any other employees in the pay run as normal.
  5. For the employee who has left, enter their final payment details.
  6. Click the Select this check box if your employee is leaving and this is their final payment check box.
     NOTE: When you select this check box, any outstanding payments, such as statutory payments, are calculated automatically.
  7. If required, check and pay any outstanding amounts due, such as holiday pay then click Close.
  8. Print any of your normal pre-update reports, such as payslips and payment summaries, as usual.
  9. Update records for your employees for the pay period.

You can now make the employee a leaver and print their P45.


Steps to duplicate
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