Introduction to the Aged Creditors report

What is the Aged Creditors report?

The Aged Creditors report lists all outstanding supplier invoices and unallocated supplier transactions, such as payments on account. It shows how much you owe each supplier and categorises these amounts by how long they have been overdue. This helps you see who you owe money to and how much.

By understanding who you owe money to and for how long, you can make overdue payments. It also helps in planning and financial forecasting.

Run the Aged Creditors report

Understanding ageing periods

Ageing periods break down unpaid invoices into different time categories. You can view the report by days or by calendar month.

This breakdown helps you quickly identify which invoices need immediate attention. Regularly reviewing these reports helps you stay on top of your payables and means you can address any issues with late payments promptly. 

To change your ageing periods:

  1. Go to Settings then Business settings.
  2. Choose Record and transaction settings.

Ageing periods by days 

Ageing periodDescription
CurrentTransactions not due yet
< 30 daysTransactions overdue by 1 to 30 days
< 60 daysTransactions overdue by 31 to 60 days
< 90 daysTransactions overdue by 61 to 90 days
< 120 daysTransactions overdue by 91 to 120 days
OlderTransactions overdue by more than 120 days

Ageing periods by calendar month

Ageing periodDescription
CurrentTransactions dated in the current month 
1 monthTransactions dated last month
2 monthsTransactions dated 2 months ago
3 monthsTransactions dated 3 months ago
OlderTransactions older than 3 months

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