Record VAT refunds

How it works

When you submit a VAT return, we transfer the amounts from the VAT on Sales and Purchases ledgers to the VAT Liability ledger. This is to tell you how much you owe or can reclaim from HMRC. 

When you have fully paid your VAT, the balance of the VAT liability is zero. Learn more about how to Clear the VAT amounts from ledger accounts.

You can record your VAT refund in a few different ways

  • Use the Reclaim button from the VAT Return
  • Match the refund from a bank feed
  • Record a VAT refund without a corresponding VAT return

Once you've received the refund, you can view the transaction in your bank activity. To view the bank activity, go to Banking then select the required bank account.


Process your VAT refund

Select an option below to learn more about recording your VAT refund. 

Record VAT Payments

Need to record a VAT Payment? See our Record VAT payments article.

Steps to duplicate
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