Add, edit or delete sales invoices in Accounting Individual

See how it works:

Add an invoice

  1. From the invoices tab select Add invoice.
  2. Select or create a customer from the dropdown field. 
  3. Enter the Invoice date and Due date.
  4. You can then enter optional information such as a Customer reference, Invoice sumary and a Footer note. These allow you to provide an additional level of detail and personalisation to your invoices.
  5. Click into the Item field and enter an item description. Enter the Quantity/hours and Price.
     TIP: Edit, duplicate or delete items by using the Actions button. 
  6. Within the Payment information section, add your bank details and payment instructions if required.
  7. If you want to mark the invoice as paid straight away, check the Mark as paid box.
     NOTE: Draft invoices can't be marked as paid. 
  8. Save as draft if you want to make changes later, otherwise select Save.

When you save an invoice, we assign it a number starting with SI-001. This number cannot be changed. If you use your own system to track invoices, like PO numbers, you can add that in the Customer Reference section.

Read our article to find out how to mark an invoice as paid.

Edit an invoice

  1. From the Invoicing tab select Actions on the invoice that you want to amend.
  2. Select Edit then make any required changes. To edit line items, select Actions then Edit item.
     TIP: If you paid an invoice accidentally, you can select Actions then Mark as unpaid to change the status. 
  3. Select Save.

Delete an invoice

You can only delete draft invoices. If your invoice is paid, you must change the invoice status to unpaid before you can delete it. 

  1. From the Invoicing tab select Actions on the invoice that you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete then Delete invoice

Void an invoice

Only void invoices if your customer no longer needs to pay, or you have sent them a refund. If you void an invoice, you can't edit it in future.

  1. From the Invoicing tab select Actions on the invoice that you want to void.
  2. Select Void then Void invoice
Steps to duplicate
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