'Missing payroll information' error on an employee uploaded from Sage 50 Payroll - Sage HR Online Services

If you upload a payslip for an employee in v29.01 where their employee record contains certain validation errors, this issue occurs.

Their record in Sage HR would not have shown this error until you uploaded a payslip in v29.01.

To resolve this error, you need to correct the fields that have caused the validation issue, then upload a pre-update payslip.

The employee record fields that cause this issue are within the Personal tab:

  • Date of birth, if the date entered is incorrect, and indicates the employee is 5 or under
  • Telephone, if this contains more than 15 characters
  • Mobile, if this contains more than 15 characters

Update the employee record

  1. On your employee list, double click the relevant employee.
  2. In the Personal tab, check the following and update as required:
    • Is the date of birth correct?
    • Are telephone and mobile fields 15 characters or less?
       NOTE: Remove any spaces in these fields, as they count as a character.
  3. Click Save, then Close.
  4. Upload a pre-update payslip.
     NOTE: If you've already updated records for the current period, upload a 'dummy' payslip to Sage HR Online Services >

[BCB:257:UKI - Personal content block - John:ECB]

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