Sage 200 2023 R2 Developer capabilities & Licencing

This communication was sent 21 July 2023.

Notice 23-JC | 21 Jul 2023

Sage 200

Developer Licence Changes

We’ve been on a modernisation journey for some time, a key next step is the ability to customise and build new Web Screens. With the introduction of the 2023 R2 release, we’re excited to announce that the customisation capabilities will be available, as well as some exciting new features:

Introducing Web Amendability

Exciting new functionality that delivers the ability to add new fields and to existing Sage 200 Web Screens in Sage 200 Professional, and for the first time to Sage 200 Standard too. No developer licencing is required for this.

We ask that Developers and Partners become familiar with the capabilities and fully support customers where they wish to explore this. It will be subject to support boundaries and support is available via our developer forum – more information on this to follow.

Updated Full Amendability capabilities

All of the developer tooling you know and love today, with all of the power of the Web Amendability functionality defined above, and;

  • Ability to fully customise existing Web Screens
  • Ability to create new Web Screens
  • Access to the full power of the JavaScript ecosystem
  • Add new fields to existing API - Customisable API
  • Create new API endpoints to your Business Objects
  • Licence controlled developer tools

Communications on our developer pre-release activity and sign up will follow shortly.

Developer Licencing

With the introduction of licencing for the SDK from this release, developers will need to migrate to our subscription developer licences. You can choose when you wish to do this:

  • As part of the pre-release for 2023 R2
  • On request when 2023 R2 is available to the market
  • At your next renewal

When you choose to migrate, we will undertake the following:

  • Your current ISV licence (where non-subscription) will be set to expire at its next renewal and a subscription ISV will be put in its place that overlaps your current licence. e.g your current Developer bill renews annually on 26 August 2023. This will set this to expire, we will add a new ISV subscription licence with a start date of 26 August 2022, this way it overlaps your existing licence. No charges will be applied for this first year and billing will take over from 26 August 2023 - which was the original point of renewal.
  • Where we don't have direct debit details from you, we will need these and we'll contact you to get this setup.

If you are already on an ISV subscription, whilst we don’t need to migrate you, we do still need to make changes to licence setup to permit you access. We’ll provide links in our upcoming communication to do this at the right time for you:

  • As part of the pre-release for 2023 R2
  • On request when 2023 R2 is available to the market
  • At your next renewal

In all cases as part of this activity your current Sage 200 product developer licence will be set to expire 90 days from the date of this request. It will be replaced with a new subscription Sage 200 ISV product licence, the licence details will be emailed to you separately. Please ensure anyone in your organisation using the existing licence, changes it before it expires.

Important Note: Without activation of this licence, the developer tools for 2023 R2 will not work. These changes only apply to those on the ISV Developer or Universal Developer licences.