Communication: Sage 200 Bank Feeds Changes (Bank of Scotland)

This communication was sent 19 June 2023.

Notice 23-IN | 19 June 2023

Bank Feeds Service Changes

We’re making changes to how you access your banking data in Sage 200. We’ve made the decision to discontinue our managed bank feeds and introduce new Open Banking Connections.

Some of the connections you currently use will be switched off, you will need to connect to a new bank feed before this happens.

The process is simple:

  • Step 1: Take a note of your Bank Feed rules
  • Step 2: Disconnect the bank feed within your Sage software
  • Step 3: Connect to the Open Banking Connection
  • Step 4: Set up your Bank Feed rules

We’ve prepared more detailed instructions, which you can access in our knowledgebase.

Once you have connected to your new bank feed, you will need to re-authenticate every 90 days to confirm that you are still happy to share your data with Sage. We’ll remind you of this, and the process only takes a few seconds.

The connections which you will need to change are as follows:

  • Bank of Scotland

We understand that change can be difficult, but we are confident that the new Open Banking connection will provide a seamless and secure way for you to import your transactions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your support provider.

Thank you for your continued business with Sage.