Create manual transactions

In this guide, you will find out how to manually add:

  • Money in transactions
  • Money out transactions
  • Transfers and deposits
  • Refunds and reimbursements

Before you start

Make sure you're in the Draft transactions section of Accounting Individual. To find Draft transactions, go to Transactions then select Draft.

Create a money in transaction

  1. Select Add money in.
  2. From Choose transaction type, select either Income, Transfer or Refund then Next.
  3. Enter the details of the transaction including the: Date, Source (the bank account you received money into), Description and Amount.
  4. Select Save as Draft.
     TIP: You’ve now saved your transaction as a draft! If you close the sidebar without continuing you can view the transaction in the draft transactions.
    GIF showing steps to add money in
  5. Choose a Category for your transaction the select Save.

After you save your transaction, it will move to Completed transactions. You can still edit your completed transactions. 

Create a money out transaction

  1. Select Add money out.
  2. From Choose transaction type select either Expense, Transfer or Refund then Next.
  3. Enter the details of the transaction including the: DateSource (the bank account you have paid money from), Description and Amount.
     NOTE: To record money out from another source, select Other funds.
  4. Select Save as Draft.
     TIP: You’ve now saved your transaction as a draft! If you close the sidebar without continuing you can view the transaction in the draft transactions.
    Add money out steps GIF
  5. Choose a Category for your transaction the select Save.

After you save your transaction, it will move to Completed transactions. You can still edit your completed transactions. 

Did you know?

You can also bring transactions into Accounting Individual faster through bank feeds and receipt scan.

Haven't set up bank feeds yet?  Read our Set up bank accounts and bank feeds guide for more information. 

To scan a receipt or invoice to automatically create a transaction, see our Auto create transactions using receipt scan guide.

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Steps to duplicate
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