Update an employee's tax code (P6 or P9)

Start of a new tax year

For the 2025/2026 tax year, the personal allowance remains at £12,570. This means that the emergency tax code also remains at 1257L. However, if you receive a P9 or P6 from HMRC, you need to update an individual employee's tax code.

 NOTE: Clear any Week 1/Month 1 flags for your employees before you process the first payroll of the 2025/2026 tax year.

Changes during the year

HMRC sends a notification to inform you when a tax code has changed. This is a P6 or P9 notification and usually happens when:

  • An employee's tax-free income (Personal Allowance) changes. For example, they start or stop receiving a taxable benefit like a company car
  • A new employee has provided a P46, and HMRC inform you of the correct tax code

When one of your employees’ tax codes changes, HMRC will send you a P6 or P9 notification. You’ll receive either:

  • A paper form
  • An internet notification if you’re registered to use PAYE Online – internet service

To access your online tax code notices:

  1. Log in to the government gateway.
  2. From the Business tax account home page, select Messages. Select PAYE for employers messages.
  3. Select View your Tax Code Notices.

What you need to do:

  • If it's a P9, you’ll need to update the employees tax code only
  • If it's a P6, you’ll need to update the employees tax code and previous employment year to date values
     NOTE: If you receive more that one notification for an employee, just use the most recent one. 

Steps to duplicate
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