Processing an opt out request

Employees who become active members of an automatic enrolment pension scheme can opt-out. They have a limited time in which to opt out. The opt out period depends on the circumstances.

For more information, read the article on The Pension Regulator (TPR) website.


 CAUTION: Your pension provider sends information to your employees about opting out. The exact process depends on your provider and you should confirm this with them. 

Opt out period

  • If you send a job holder's letter to the employee the opt-out period is one month from the date that you send the letter.
  • If active membership of the pension scheme has started, it is one month from that date. 
  • You will use whichever is the latest date.

Refunding contributions

  • Jobholders who opt out of a scheme within the opt-out period get a refund of any contributions already made
  • Entitled workers who join a scheme, and then choose to leave, only get a refund if the pension scheme rules allow. Payroll doesn’t generate a refund for these workers. Instead, the refund comes to them from the pension provider

Process an opt out in Payroll

  1. Process the pay run as normal until the Edit Pay stage.
  2. Select on the relevant employee.
  3. Select Manage Enrolment.
  4. Select Opt Out/Leave, then enter the following information:
Request received Enter the date you received the opt out request from your employee.
Did the employee opt-out using a Nest paper form?

If the employee has an official nest form, there will be a reference on it. Choose Yes.

If the employee hasn't used an official Nest form, or your notification has no Nest reference, choose No.

Opt-out reference* This field is compulsory if you choose Yes above.
Extension period used? If there is a problem wit the opt-out notice form, you can extend the opt out period. The extension can be up to six weeks to allow the employee to provide a correct form.

To extend the opt-out period, select this check box.
Refund contributions of £xx.xx This is only available where a refund applies and the opt-out is valid. If you’re unsure, check with your pension provider.

If the employee is subject to a refund and you want to pay the refund to the employee via Payroll, select this option. You will see i included in pay run.
Refund paid directly by provider This is only available where a refund applies and the opt out is valid.

If the employee qualifies for a refund and your pension provider pays it, choose this option. If you're uncertain, verify with your pension provider
  1. Select Opt out.

You may enter an opt-out date that is earlier than already completed pay runs. In this case, you may see a correction showing on your next available pay run

For more information, view our article Understanding payroll corrections.

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