NEST submission files

There are two types of submission files – member enrolment and contribution schedule files.


File Types

  • Member enrolment - Contains new enrolments for the relevant pay reference period (PRP). They include your employees’ personal information NEST needs to enrol them. These files are usually generated at your staging date. They also generate if you have new employees eligible to enrol

 TIP: You must upload these files before you upload contribution schedule files. 

  • Contribution schedule – Contains information on the contributions your employees’ make from their pay. These need uploading each pay period

The submission file names reference your pension provider. This is true whether it’s a member enrolment file or a contribution schedule file. For example: NESTEnrolsWk20.csv and NESTContribsWk20.csv.

 TIP: Sometimes the system generates both types of files in the same period. These generate in a compressed (zipped) folder. This contains both files. 

 CAUTION: Submission files are in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format ready for NEST to accept. We recommend you do not open submission files. This can change the format and as a result, your submission files may fail to upload. 

You will know when pension data is ready to submit to NEST. A warning message appears in the Summary tab > Pension submissions.

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Steps to duplicate
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Please see our article Automatic enrolment - Opt in, opt out, requests and contribution levels (opens in new tab).