
You can postpone the assessment of all your employees on your duties start date. You can also postpone individual employees when they start to work for you. You can also postpone them if they become eligible for enrolment at a later date. This may occur if they have a temporary pay spike or turn 22 years of age.

You can find further information on The Pensions Regulator (TPR) website. Read Postponement (opens in new tab).


Multiple postponements

You can choose to postpone an individual employee. You can’t postpone the employee again until the postponement period has ended.

Once the postponement period ends the system assesses the employee. They get assigned a worker category. Read more about the different worker categories in our article Employee Pension Assessment.

If the employee is an eligible jobholder payroll enrols them into the scheme.

If the employee is:

  • Non-eligible jobholder
  • Entitled worker

they have had a period of assessment following their postponement.

If they become an eligible jobholder again in the future you can postpone them again for up to three months.

When you postpone, you must write to tell the postponed employees. Do this within six weeks of the date you have postponed them. 

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