You can print or email advance notices at this stage from Payroll. These aren’t required under legislation. They inform employees about the upcoming payroll changes and what happens next. If you don’t want to send the advance notices, select the Employees informed check box. When you first set up Auto Enrolment in Payroll, you can choose to Print All. You then print the documents using your Internet browser options. You can also Email by selecting Email All. Check the right employees appear then select Send Emails. As an alternative, print individual letters. Locate the employee on the list, and select Print. TIP: If you haven’t already entered employee email addresses and passwords, you’re prompted to do so.
TPR also has a variety of templates you can use depending on the scenarios that apply to your employees. Once you’ve sent the letters to your employees, select the Employees informed check box. [BCB:299:UKI - Personal content block - Dane:ECB][BCB:304:UKI - Search override - Payroll UK:ECB] [BCB:276:UKI - hide back button:ECB]