Assessing your employees’ worker categories

Even if you haven’t yet reached your staging date, you can assess your workforce in advance. You can predict the costs of automatic enrolment. It's based on the number of employees in each category.

Payroll assigns a worker category to each employee. It bases this on their age and earnings:

  • Eligible jobholder – enrolment into your default qualifying scheme is automatic. You make employer contributions
  • Non-eligible jobholder– can opt in to a pension scheme. It must be a qualifying scheme and you make employer contributions
  • Entitled worker – can join a pension scheme if they want to. It doesn’t have to be a qualifying scheme and you don’t have to make any employer contributions
  • Excluded from Auto Enrolment and not enrolled- a setting within the employee record. It excludes the employee from auto-enrolment.

To assess your workforce in Payroll, please complete the below steps:
 NOTE: This option is only available when you first set up a pension scheme within payroll. 

  1. Select the Pensions tab.
  2. Select Assess Workforce.
  3. Select Printable PDF and print the report from your Internet browser menu.
  4. Within Payroll, go back to the Pensions tab.
  5. Select the Workforce assessed check box.

After this, Payroll will assess your employees every time you complete a pay run.

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