Reauthorise with HMRC

You must reauthorise your software with HMRC every 18 months for data security purposes. You will also need to reauthorise if you:

  • Select Disconnect from MTD in Financial Settings
  • Change your VAT registration number in Financial Settings

You must sign-in to the government gateway as part of this process.

Reauthorise with HMRC

You can reauthorise with HMRC two ways:

  • From the message displayed when you go to complete your VAT Return
  • From within Financial Settings, under the Making Tax Digital section

Reauthorise from the message:

  1. When completing your VAT return, we display the following message:
    You're not currently authenticated with HMRC. To submit VAT returns you will need to authenticate again.
  2. Select Reconnect from the message, then Authenticate. This takes you to the HMRC website.
  3. Select Continue and then enter your Government gateway User ID and Password.
  4. Select Grant Authority.
  5. You will return to Sage Accounting. When you see a confirmation message at the bottom of the page, that's it, you're done.

Reauthorise from Settings:

  1. Go to Settings, then Business Settings.
  2. Select Accounting Dates & VAT.
  3. Within the Making Tax Digital section select Reconnect then Authenticate. This takes you to the HMRC website.
  4. Select Continue and then enter your Government gateway User ID and Password.
  5. Select Grant Authority.
  6. You will return to Sage Accounting. When you see a confirmation message at the bottom of the page, that's it, you're done.

 NOTE: You are unable to change to Making Tax Digital with a draft, waiting or failed VAT return. Please submit or delete the return and try again. Once reconnected you can still create your VAT Return again.
To delete the draft VAT Return go to Reporting, then VAT Returns. Select the icon, then choose Yes.

Fix MTD reauthorisation errors

While trying to authenticate with HMRC or submit a VAT return, the following message may appear: We were unable to authenticate with HMRC.

This can occur when:

  • The company VAT registration number in Sage Accounting is not linked to the Government Gateway user ID you authenticated with.
    To check the VAT registration number, go to Settings, then Business Settings and Accounting Dates & VAT
  • The Government Gateway credentials were not correct, when you authenticated.
    To check this, go the Government Gateway and make sure you can sign in using the same ID and password

If you have checked all the information above and are still receiving the error, please contact HMRC (opens in new tab).

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