Correct transactions included on a VAT return

To correct an error on your submitted VAT return, reverse the transaction. Then re-enter it with the updated details.

For transactions included on draft VAT returns, delete the draft. You can then amend or delete the transaction.


How this works

Once you include a transaction on a VAT return, you can't delete or edit it.

Having an incorrect transaction can mean that:

  • Your bank account balance is incorrect
  • The balance of your customer or supplier account is incorrect
  • Your VAT return has incorrect figures, and you'll overpay or underpay VAT

To make the necessary adjustments, you must

  1. Create a reverse or opposite transaction. This cancels out the value of the incorrect transaction.
  2. Re-enter the transaction with the correct details, if required.

 NOTE: Any corrections that you make will appear when you create your next VAT return.  

Which transaction to use

  • Reverse an other payment with a refund
  • Reverse an other receipt with a refund
  • Reverse a supplier payment with a supplier refund
  • Reverse a customer receipt with a customer refund
  • Reverse a refund with a payment on account
  • Reverse a bank transfer with another opposite bank transfer

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